Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Even though my college is a two-year school, it has a study abroad program, which I think is pretty cool. What's even cooler, though, is that the program is so inexpensive! It's a college in the city so they know that a large chunk of the students there have very little money, and they have great services for that such as a food pantry, a free tax filing service, etc. The study abroad scholarship pays for 80% of the cost and the student only pays 20%!

You have to have a good GPA and I'm sure I will, so I think this may be a reality for me this year. Next summer I may be studying abroad! :D I just don't know where I'd choose to go, though... hard decision. It would probably make the most sense to go to a Spanish-speaking country because I take Spanish classes, but... I don't know. I REALLY want to go to Morocco or somewhere in Europe (other than Spain).

The cheapest country to visit is Costa Rica, at only about $550. I couldn't believe that when I saw it in the brochure. The second most inexpensive is Italy, at only $900! They also offer trips to Argentina, Belize, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Ireland, Japan, Morocco, Namibia, China, Peru, Spain, and Scotland. How would I ever decide? :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Even though my college is a two-year school, it has a study abroad program, which I think is pretty cool. What's even cooler, though, is that the program is so inexpensive! It's a college in the city so they know that a large chunk of the students there have very little money, and they have great services for that such as a food pantry, a free tax filing service, etc. The study abroad scholarship pays for 80% of the cost and the student only pays 20%!

You have to have a good GPA and I'm sure I will, so I think this may be a reality for me this year. Next summer I may be studying abroad! :D I just don't know where I'd choose to go, though... hard decision. It would probably make the most sense to go to a Spanish-speaking country because I take Spanish classes, but... I don't know. I REALLY want to go to Morocco or somewhere in Europe (other than Spain).

The cheapest country to visit is Costa Rica, at only about $550. I couldn't believe that when I saw it in the brochure. The second most inexpensive is Italy, at only $900! They also offer trips to Argentina, Belize, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Ireland, Japan, Morocco, Namibia, China, Peru, Spain, and Scotland. How would I ever decide? :eek:mg:

dood, jump on that right quick!! my last art history professor compared it this way... pay for a year at chico state (chico is a norcal party school- boring) OR study abroad in some amazing country for the same price. so excited for you!! DO IT!


Well-known member
This is kind of old and I'm not sure why I'm thinking about it:

In high school, I was accepted into the advanced placement program. I was happy at first, so I took a shot at the GT pogram but got rejected. No matter how high my grades were or how many academic awards I won, I was never considered for the GT program. GT stands for "Gifted/Talented". I was completely baffled! But later on, I realize the reason why.

I was placed in many classes with the GT kids, and I realized each of them had a special talent. Not necessarily the highest GPA or teacher's pet, but they had a talent that they're very good at. For example, I met this girl who has exceptional creative writing skills. Even though her math and science grades were mediocre, her writing skills were strong. She won several writing contests. I also met several guys who had exceptional math and ****ytical skills. Their language skills were poor, but they have a talent for math and science.

After high school graduation, most of the GT kids went to Ivy Leagues.

Thinking about it now, I realize I don't possess any unique/special attributes. I don't have a talent for writing, math, science, music, or anything, and my IQ isn't exceptionally high. Sure, I made the highest grades in some of my classes and was even liked by the teacher, but it's only because I work 5X harder than the rest of my classmates. On the other hand, the GT kids didn't have to try as hard and they get through the classes with A's.

I finally understand why I was never considered for the GT program, probably for a good reason. I don't feel jealous of the GT kids at all. I think they will go on to do great things.


Well-known member
Even though my college is a two-year school, it has a study abroad program, which I think is pretty cool. What's even cooler, though, is that the program is so inexpensive! It's a college in the city so they know that a large chunk of the students there have very little money, and they have great services for that such as a food pantry, a free tax filing service, etc. The study abroad scholarship pays for 80% of the cost and the student only pays 20%!

You have to have a good GPA and I'm sure I will, so I think this may be a reality for me this year. Next summer I may be studying abroad! :D I just don't know where I'd choose to go, though... hard decision. It would probably make the most sense to go to a Spanish-speaking country because I take Spanish classes, but... I don't know. I REALLY want to go to Morocco or somewhere in Europe (other than Spain).

The cheapest country to visit is Costa Rica, at only about $550. I couldn't believe that when I saw it in the brochure. The second most inexpensive is Italy, at only $900! They also offer trips to Argentina, Belize, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Ireland, Japan, Morocco, Namibia, China, Peru, Spain, and Scotland. How would I ever decide? :eek:mg:
If Australia is a part of this program, come here! If you're in Sydney, we could meet up and stuff. You know you want to.
If Australia is a part of this program, come here! If you're in Sydney, we could meet up and stuff. You know you want to.

I know, that'd be awesome. Unfortunately they don't offer Australia :( They don't offer England either, which really bums me out. To be honest, if they offered England it wouldn't even be a question. I just really, really want to go.
I wonder what the REAL secret to always feeling good about yourself is? To having nearly unshakeable self-esteem? Some people are most definitely predisposed to having a stubborn and/or self-confident personality, or having a tough skin, and others have to work at it.

All of that "cultivate hobbies, work out, chant affirmations in the mirror" stuff is great and all, but in my experience it only goes so far. The rest seems to be a deeply ingrained mental THING you either have or do not have, and I don't know how one goes about getting it.

I don't think I will ever be the thick-skinned person I wish I was. I don't get as upset as I used to, but negative comments still bother me more than I'd like. As I get older I will probably care less and less, but I envy my peers who have - or at least appear to have, if it is an act - so much self-confidence that these things just roll right off. I can't fathom it.


Well-known member
These make me feel like the Ash Ketchum of the mental illness monsters world.
The demons of mental illness illustrated as real monsters


Well-known member
I know, that'd be awesome. Unfortunately they don't offer Australia :( They don't offer England either, which really bums me out. To be honest, if they offered England it wouldn't even be a question. I just really, really want to go.
Come to Australia anyway. :)

Also, screw you, eHarmony! I get an email saying that "X girl wants to get to know you" as the title, then I log in only to see that she has rejected my message. Stop toying with my heart! </3


Well-known member
I wonder what the REAL secret to always feeling good about yourself is? To having nearly unshakeable self-esteem? Some people are most definitely predisposed to having a stubborn and/or self-confident personality, or having a tough skin, and others have to work at it.

All of that "cultivate hobbies, work out, chant affirmations in the mirror" stuff is great and all, but in my experience it only goes so far. The rest seems to be a deeply ingrained mental THING you either have or do not have, and I don't know how one goes about getting it.

I don't think I will ever be the thick-skinned person I wish I was. I don't get as upset as I used to, but negative comments still bother me more than I'd like. As I get older I will probably care less and less, but I envy my peers who have - or at least appear to have, if it is an act - so much self-confidence that these things just roll right off. I can't fathom it.

relate completely. i say this to maybe give you hope. i have such thin skin... but i am getting older and, miraculously, less sensitive through exposure/experience. when you get older you realize that there are a million-billion people and they are all full of crap. what people say doesn't matter as much. for example, today a car full of DB teens drove by and (i think) they were barking at me. if i was 10 years younger this would have tailspun me into a funk for the rest of the night. "oh god, i must be ugly. oh god, i am so hideous. i am such a loser, i look like a freak blah blah..." now, i could care less. their barking was totally incidental, they probably meant nothing by it, i just happened to be driving by, and even if they did mean it in a hateful way... it reflects upon them, not me. i am well aware of my assets. anyhow, it is weird and true that experience allows you to let things roll off your back more easily.

i still have THIN skin and care too much about nonsensical, superficial crap... admittedly. but, there is a certain power and grace that comes in time... i like to think. anyway, it is best to accept yourself even with "flaws"... embrace that you have thin skin... think of it as a gift that some a-holes don't have and, yes, it makes you better than them. they are deficient in that area. easier said than done. you know all of this.
relate completely. i say this to maybe give you hope. i have such thin skin... but i am getting older and, miraculously, less sensitive through exposure/experience. when you get older you realize that there are a million-billion people and they are all full of crap. what people say doesn't matter as much. for example, today a car full of DB teens drove by and (i think) they were barking at me. if i was 10 years younger this would have tailspun me into a funk for the rest of the night. "oh god, i must be ugly. oh god, i am so hideous. i am such a loser, i look like a freak blah blah..." now, i could care less. their barking was totally incidental, they probably meant nothing by it, i just happened to be driving by, and even if they did mean it in a hateful way... it reflects upon them, not me. i am well aware of my assets. anyhow, it is weird and true that experience allows you to let things roll off your back more easily.

i still have THIN skin and care too much about nonsensical, superficial crap... admittedly. but, there is a certain power and grace that comes in time... i like to think. anyway, it is best to accept yourself even with "flaws"... embrace that you have thin skin... think of it as a gift that some a-holes don't have and, yes, it makes you better than them. they are deficient in that area. easier said than done. you know all of this.

Thanks dottie, that made me feel a little better :)

I used to really beat myself up for being so sensitive, but I have become a little more accepting of myself in the past year. I've realized, hey, yeah I have this problem, but I can work on it. Everyone has something. This is mine. In time it WILL get better, and we all have our weaknesses and strengths when it comes to our personalities. It's part of being human. It does make life harder because the world can be a cruel and cold place sometimes, but it's not always as bad as it seems.
^ lol Puma! :giggle:
I don't have a roommate who could have done it for me. I just had to be patient:kickingmyself:

Are you allowed to bring a book to read in between the cleaning you have to do?

I'd like to take my laptop with me so I could 'bring a bit of home with me', but since locker availability is never guaranteed I'm not really comfortable with that.

For now Angry Birds and Angry Piggies on my phone will have to do.

Yeah, I'm a cleaner at a police station and at a school.

I know what you mean - it's not "fun," per se, but it's not awful and you're moving around, which is nice. I've also had to fill in time, too, and that kind of sucks. At least we're working, right? :)

That it is. While not always pleasant, at least it's honest work with a useful and practical function, plus it's great exercise.
All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.
All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 aAll work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy. dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work andAll work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy. no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy. a dull boy.All work and no play makeAll work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.s jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.All work and no play makes jc972 a dull boy.


Super Moderator
I'm no expert but it sounds like they were, in fact, mad at you. If I still had a facebook thing I'd friend ya though :)

I would have appreciated if they have told me what's in their minds instead, oh well...

If you ever create one again, just tell me :)


Well-known member
That it is. While not always pleasant, at least it's honest work with a useful and practical function, plus it's great exercise.
Not only that, but I seem to be able to get away with things and I know a lot of the cops in my local area command, which has come in handy in the past for certain reasons. :giggle:

I hope you get similar leeway at your job!
I would have appreciated if they have told me what's in their minds instead, oh well...

If you ever create one again, just tell me :)

I hate it when someone is mad at me for no apparent reason. A very good friend I have/had hasn't spoke to me in months and I don't know why. I really don't care but at the same time I'd like to know too. Weird. If I slight someone, I say, by all means tell me. That's only fair.