I am so sore.
Tried roasted pistachios for the first time yesterday, I love 'em. Tried Brussels sprouts for the first time as well, they're not bad. Not my favorite, kind of leave your mouth feeling dry, but I wouldn't pass on a couple if offered.
Yeah, brussels sprouts are about the only vegetable I actively wouldn't eat. Disgusting little creatures they are. :Yuch. Brussels sprouts are one of those things that should have disappeared from existence years ago. They would have, if it wasn't for old ladies being mean and trying to ruin Christmas.:thumbdown::veryangry:
That is...random.
Yeah, brussels sprouts are about the only vegetable I actively wouldn't eat. Disgusting little creatures they are. ::
Alcohol in even moderate amounts seems to be a bad idea, at least for me, because it makes me lazy while I'm drinking it. I could be doing useful things like putting my laundry away, dishes, paperwork, working on my crochet... but instead I am plopped in front of my computer with a glass beside me, stuffing my face with pistachios and alternating between tabs. *sigh*
Funny you say that, because I'm drinking a bit of Svedka mixed with orange juice right now and I'm rather enjoying the high it's giving me. If anything makes me lazy at home, it's working, going to class, and other responsibilities.
I would really like to own a pug, but there are never any in the shelter. :sad:
Stayed up all night working with Blender.
..I've tamed the beast. It's a ally now.