Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I'm having anxiety over something I said on Facebook. Someone I went to high school with who has cerebral palsy posted a status talking about his disability, and I commented saying that he was one of the sweetest people at that school and that I never really saw his disability, he was just an awesome person (and I really meant it). The thing is, his sister is a major biatch. I lived with her (it was a boarding school) and she is opposite to him in every way. Consequently, she and I are not friends on Facebook. I'm afraid she's going to see the comment I left on his status and say something snippy. Not to mention I feel a little ashamed knowing some of my other classmates are going to see the comment, and I'm paranoid about their possible judgments.

There are several things wrong with me being anxious about this: 1) he's an adult with a life of his own, so why can't I be friends with him and not her? She has nothing to do with it; 2) it's unlikely she'd say anything rude if she does see it because it would be awfully immature of her and make her look really bad; 3) what I said was nice! I wasn't being patronizing at all, so I hope it didn't come across that way, I meant it sincerely; 4) I really shouldn't care what other people think; 5) I really shouldn't let what occurs on Facebook affect me so much.

I already made the comment, so I'm leaving it. I refuse to give in to my anxiety, even though it's screaming at me at the moment. However, if someone does make a comment, I fear the excruciating wave of inferiority and shame that will inevitably wash over me. But I'm trying to keep in mind that I am NOT inferior to my former high school classmates. I was a little shy - so what? I have every right to comment on a friend's status saying something positive.

Phew, writing this stuff down here really does make me feel better. It's like I can get it off my chest for the night so I can sleep. I don't fully understand why it helps but it most definitely does.


Well-known member
You should fee inferior if you didn't write anything on his wall. I'm sure in his situation, a positive comment is greatly appreciated. Good for you! Anyone who has a problem with it, is complete scum and no one you should ever be concerned with. Period!



That´s theoretically nice, but money are not object to people who already have them. At least as much to get them by, but what about those who have none. They urgently need to make money at least for the basic living, and that probably won´t be possible with doing just some hobby. Not to mention, you also usually need material for the hobby, which sometimes can be very costly. When I was a kid, I liked to knit or do embroidery and handwork. But what use would it be today, when the wool is more expensive than a new pullover from the shop. I would feel that what I´m doing is useless and foolish..
They really need to get rid of this smiley ::p: Every time I see it I want to punch a kitten.

I'm joking, don't call animal control on me. But that smiley has got to go :S


They really need to get rid of this smiley ::p: Every time I see it I want to punch a kitten.

I'm joking, don't call animal control on me. But that smiley has got to go :S

I punched a kitten once. Did anyone show concern for my hand from that iron like jaw? No.
No sympathy at all. And people wonder why I am so jaded.



Super Moderator
My psychiatrist is a f*cking idiot.

I think I'm just going to see a regular doctor to adjust my medication. Psychiatrists are obviously not working for me.