Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Yeah I'm not about to adblock everything. If people wouldn't do that, there would far less need for annoying ads in the first place
It's personal choice. Some people don't mind ads, or even like them, while other strongly dislike them. I am more in the latter. So i mute most tv ads, block most spam emails, and block almost all ads on web. There's more than enough "clutter" in life as it is.


Well-known member
random thought:people have waaaay too much time on their hands to dwell on things and they need to dial down the drama a bit
random feeling:content


Well-known member
I cant ignore it - it gets me fired up when I see how unfair things are. I don't understand people who can't grasp (or perhaps willingly ignore) concepts of fairness or acceptable standards of behaviour. I think that this is a deeply flawed way of thinking - liking it to indifference and indirectly perpetuating the problem. Social justice is something that I am very passionate about - people SHOULD care - but they often dont because either it is too much for them to handle, it is not affecting them directly, the feel they can make no difference anyway - or they simply dont care.... which is ridiculous because just because it isnt happening to you, doesnt mean it cant or ever will. I am trying very hard to make things a fairer place - to close the gap between people who have so much and people who have very very little.

That - simply is NOT FAIR.

I agree with most of what you said, but everyone does have their own thresholds for what they can cope with. And just as we have our anxieties and things that we can't easily handle, I think being aware of certain things for some people does supercede what they can handle. And would lend more dissonance to their lives than they can reconcile or cope with.

Edit: I mean this less an excuse for them or in their defense, but more as a worthwhile point that does complicate the issue.
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Well-known member
i can't understand why everyone in the world doesn't think and feel exactly the same way i do. why is it so difficult for everyone else on the planet to conform to the same set of absolute standards that i have chosen to accept and promote (even if i can't live up to them 100% of the time myself)? i stay awake at night wondering how i can reach out to each and every one of the seven billion people on earth and let them know that they should behave the way i think they should.
My cat just ate a couple pieces of shredded coconut... How very strange
It's trying to be vegetarian, like it's owner!

But i suppose cats & animals need a balanced diet :. veges also??

My parents cat is quite partial to the odd pea, or mashed potatoe. Funny to watch, as due to not having many teeth left, it is quite a challenge to eat the pea off floor ... so it pushes the pea all around the kitchen floor before managing to "get" it :giggle:. It certainly places high importance on getting just that one pea. Probably knows there's heaps of good nutrition in it.


It's not about thinking and feeling the same way or dictating what people should do - but lets face it, everywhere someone somewhere has done exactly that anyway - whether or not a person realizes it we have all been conditioned to behave and believe certain values that upholds the fabric of how our society is. We have laws, standards and unspoken rules about what is acceptable and what it isn't. We are all conforming to some standard - all 7 billion of us.

The problem isn't about the resistance of 'being told what to do' - it's about the normalization of beliefs and the learned helplessness that people have about the world we live in. Social inequities of who should get what is the biggest problem of why everything in this world is wrong. Personally, I think if you don't care or you feel indifferent about the concept of fairness (or human rights or any kind of standard that addresses social ills - just ask the guys at the UN who I am sure is a lot smarter than anyone here will ever be) - then why should anyone care about you? If I am going to have to explain why you need to treat some people different to attain equality and close inequities between some people and others - I will simply just have to bury my face in my hands.
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Well-known member
Do you do something productive with your feelings about this, or do you just "care"? Do you feel as if you're contributing something towards your causes and that your beliefs better you rather than make you cynical and bitter?


Of course. I don't just talk without doing - I also study sociology and psychology. I am hoping to work with people who have the smallest voice. The biggest problem is trying to advocate a sense of social responsibility.

But yeah. I am cynical and bitter. People generally suck. People don't like it when I talk about stuff like this because it turns into an argument about morality - which is exactly what is happening now.
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Well-known member
the depression won't let me live in peace. every time i felt better, it comes back stronger than before.
i have no desire for nothing right now.


Well-known member
i can't understand why everyone in the world doesn't think and feel exactly the same way i do. why is it so difficult for everyone else on the planet to conform to the same set of absolute standards that i have chosen to accept and promote (even if i can't live up to them 100% of the time myself)? i stay awake at night wondering how i can reach out to each and every one of the seven billion people on earth and let them know that they should behave the way i think they should.
I know this was loosely directed at Kia but I know people in my life who think this way. Unless I am following their thought patterns, I am stupid and I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Of course. I don't just talk without doing - I also study sociology and psychology. I am hoping to work with people who have the smallest voice. The biggest problem is trying to advocate a sense of social responsibility.
That's awesome that you have a goal/plan, mate.


Well-known member
A girl told me that my emails are a highlight to her day and that she enjoys reading them.

It's official: she's insane. ;)


Well-known member
bit late with posting been lazy this week :)
went london with my sister on tuesday, considering we got lost twice and i got dragged around alot it wasnt half bad, very tiring and the amount of people was horrible but i stuck with it all day.
had an awesome lunch which i can still remember now well the food not the restaurant name :D
went into orbital comics for the first time and my brain had a nerdgasm and i forgot what i wanted to buy untill i got back home which sucked
overall a good day out.

today kinda sucked had to claim for JSA as they stopped me ESA for stupid reasons and the advisor woman was a complete bitch, told her i have SA so dont want anything in retail or something..well you know what i mean and she lectured me about how i "have" to work and i cant be picky blah blah the end i just snapped and had a massive go at her and kinda threw a chair so got kicked out the job centre..luckily the claim was done before she pissed me off

hopefully the weekend is better


Well-known member
didnt leave my room today and i never go out weekends or evenings or days. ok ide never go out if i had my way :)