Post your picture thread


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Really...? D'ye think think a ZZ Top style beard would be wise, with ma build-in sun tan? Ah mean, it'd look epic - and rightly so - but also there's the whole Middle Eastern thing as well, y'know...? Coz ah've been mistaken for one ae them before.*

* Ye git whit ah'm implyin' here, right? ;)
They'll probably figure out you're not a terrorist as soon as you open your mouth.

If they don't, threaten to plant explosives in their car. :bigsmile:

So hell yeah, grow that bushy beard! If the occasional moron thinks you're something you're not, well--there's no cure for rabid xenophobes anyway.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
They'll probably figure out you're not a terrorist as soon as you open your mouth.

Aye, they'll figure oot that I'm Scottish... Or possibly German. :bigsmile:

If they don't, threaten to plant explosives in their car. :bigsmile:

^ Tryin' sayin' in a Scottish accent... Ffrrpp! Ah think ah've jist shat masel'.

So hell yeah, grow that bushy beard!

Awright, ye talked me intae it. Bushy beard, it is :thumbup:

If the occasional moron thinks you're something you're not, well--there's no cure for rabid xenophobes anyway.

Ah disagree with ya on that last part. But yer correct, overall. :thumbup:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
You're looking great :thumbup:

Yer no' wrong there, darlin'. ;)

also I love your freckles!

^ That text is awfy wee, is it no'? :sarcastic:

Well.... That's got tae be a first, surely? Don't think anybuddy ever mentioned ma freckles when ah've posted a photo here? ::eek::

Though ah've always loved ma freckles. Never understood why some folk who huv freckles dislike them?


Well-known member
My go at a beard. 3 months without trimming. It has now been cut, my face looks weird.

And my dog.



Well-known member
Why um ah still single, again?

Apparently sexy soundin' accent
Good lookin'
Social anxiety F _ _ kin'... Boo! :thumbdown:[/I]
Probably only because you don't get yourself out there, you know what I mean? With social anxiety it's hard to get anywhere to meet people, and then, even if you do, you have to put yourself out there and make conversation so people can get to know you. It's hard! Don't give up, please. Keep working on finding peace inside yourself and eventually it will happen.
In the mean time, you can always flirt with your friendly SPW cougar :bigsmile:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
My go at a beard. 3 months without trimming.

You actually suit the beard at that length, Hoppy. :thumbup:

It has now been cut, my face looks weird.

Ah know the feelin'... Ah look weird when ah shave mine off. Ah take it you've done the same.

Though ah think ye git use to havin' the beard after a while if you don't shave it often.

And my dog.

Awww, your dog looks adorable.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Probably only because you don't get yourself out there, you know what I mean? With social anxiety it's hard to get anywhere to meet people, and then, even if you do, you have to put yourself out there and make conversation so people can get to know you. It's hard! Don't give up, please. Keep working on finding peace inside yourself and eventually it will happen.[/I]

Thanks for the advice. Some self-confidence wouldnae go a miss, either.

In the mean time, you can always flirt with your friendly SPW cougar :bigsmile:

My response to reading that comment:
You just made my day. :brindis: My follow-up comment: Sooo, eh...


Well-known member
Probably only because you don't get yourself out there, you know what I mean? With social anxiety it's hard to get anywhere to meet people, and then, even if you do, you have to put yourself out there and make conversation so people can get to know you. It's hard! Don't give up, please. Keep working on finding peace inside yourself and eventually it will happen.[/I]

Thanks for the advice. Some self-confidence wouldnae go a miss, either.

My response to reading that comment:
You just made my day. :brindis: My follow-up comment: Sooo, eh...
You better not be teasing! lm@o!


Well-known member
Here's me looking like shit.

I'm not tying to make a mean face in this picture.
That's basically how I look all the
Chronic resting "bitch face"