Post your picture thread


Well-known member
celestialrecluse said:
princess_haru said:
You're beautiful, celestial! Who's the cute little boy in the pic?

that is my brother! don't be fooled by the cute face im sure he has 666 tattooed somewhere underneath all that hair!

Aww, lol, it's always the cute ones that are evil, isn't it? :wink: My younger brother looked like a little angel with huge eyes and long dark lashes so he got away with murder as a kid. I was always jealous of the "who, me?" look he could pull, haha! So how old's the little devil?


Well-known member
Drivemycar said:

Me!'s kinda big.


My favourite place on Earth...I'm not going to tell you where it is because that's creepy. But, my grandparents have a cabin right on the beach. It only takes about 15 minutes to drive there. It's beautiful, and I go there all the time in the summer.

Your eyes are gorgeous! And I love your glowy porcelain skin *is jealous cos I have a humungous spot at the mo* lol :wink:

I wish I had somewhere as beautiful and serene as the place in your second photo to go and chill out *sigh*


Well-known member
Carstuar said:
<3 Donnie Darko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they are making a sequel based on elizabeth!

Princess_Haru- he was 5 when that picture was taken he turned 6 last month! lols yeah at that age they know how to work the "im so adorable, butter wouldn't melt" look, perfectly!


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
Your eyes are gorgeous! And I love your glowy porcelain skin *is jealous cos I have a humungous spot at the mo* lol :wink:

I wish I had somewhere as beautiful and serene as the place in your second photo to go and chill out *sigh*

Awe, thanks! You made my day! :D It's nice to have a place of your 'own' to just go to. My room works just as good though!


Well-known member
blah123 said:
ok danfalc is hot.

in the second picture u look like orlando bloom a little.. lol

I was gonna say the same thing, he looks a little like Orlando Bloom! :p I think it's the mouth... and eyes..


Well-known member
2Crowded said:
OK...Here I am Living color. ---------- I am what I am I said. :)

You've got really nice eyes! And I love your hat!

Danfalc looks like a mix between Orlando Bloom and Colin Farrell to me...


Well-known member
Carstuar said:
Yeah, I heard about that. I heard that it was the YOUNGER sister, though. Samantha Darko, played by actress Daveigh Chase.
She's all grown up now ;D
I hope it doesn't suck :(.

yeah thats right i never could remember the names right! lols! yeah i hope they stay true to like the real feel of the movie!


SleepingBeauty said:
Keep your damn shirt on! Its distracting 8O

Sorry lol! it was hot the day that one got took.But anyway when someone said orlando bloom i just think of legolas in lord of the rings 8O but thanks guys/gals i think :lol:

And scorpion thats a nice pic of ya cat and its a really unusual name :) Does it mean anything or is just named after an egyptian god?


Well-known member
HeHe thank you all , my baby realy is beatifull, and Danfalc, he is just named after an egypian god, all my cats are. :)