Well-known member
celestialrecluse said:Diluted_Acid-you have amazing eyes, those eyelashes are to die for! lols!
Why thank you! Lol the only one who tells me i'm good looking is my mum.
celestialrecluse said:Diluted_Acid-you have amazing eyes, those eyelashes are to die for! lols!
recluse said:ah Led Zeppelin! You have great taste in music my friend![]()
LostViking said:(And yes, that's one of his first adventures with a window)
LostViking said:I'm honestly worried about waking up to "Wake up, Viking" in the middle of the night..
Prescious said:Meow, why are you here in the Social Anxiety forum?
There is no way in hell that you have SA looking like that,
and I have to question why are you here. And then on top of that,
you look like you are at a bar or restaurant of some sort which
is a big NO NO for people with SA and Agoraphobia, So again
What is your real reason for being here? Are you trying to mock us?
If not, then what is your agenda here in the SA forum?
Meow said:TAMPA-BAY which one are you? because everyone in that photo is VERY good looking! And i'd also like to thank you for your previous post because I think Prescious was exremely out of line, and you were very correct with everything you wrote.
Prescious, honestly how dare you. Look how long I have been on this site, read my previous posts and see if I have EVER mocked ANYONE on this site. I have been nothing but kind, I've made posts asking for help and I think it's absoloutely horrible of you to judge someone by the way they look.
Yes, SOMETIMES I can face bars, SOMETIMES, I can face crowds. But for the last 3 months I have locked myself up in my house and only driven my car twice. I have driven my only 2 friends here away because I can't make myself go out with them. I self harm and have even cut my face recently. I have BPD, SA, SAD, Pannic attacks and Depression. I am on 3 pills of klonopin a day and have tried many anti depressents to try and help especially with my anxiety. Ask me something and I will know it because I have LIVED it and I DO live it.
What right do you have to jump to conclusions on the way someone looks? I live with this every day of my life.
I haven't been able to work. I've had 2 temporary jobs in 4 years. I've been to many psychiatrists and psychologists.
I do some modeling here and there, I model for a popular website but please tell me how that proves I do not have SA? How do any of these pics prove I don't have SA? They're PHOTOS, you don't know me and i'm glad you don't.
NEVER judge a book by it's cover. What about the celebrities who have had SA? I look the way I look. What am I supposed to look like to fit the criteria of having SA?
Prescious said:You know what meow, obviously you are offended because I hit a nerve
but on the other hand if you read my posts very carefully, you
would see that what I am saying to you is not so much of an insult
but rather a compliment. Because basically I am saying is that
you are too pretty and you go out to restaurants too much to
have SA. People with Social Anxiety DO NOT GO OUT. And if they
do like myself, it's once in a while and it hurts them to go out. Or
they go out only in extreme emergency cases like their hungry
or something but other than that people with real SA do not go out
OR they are extremely nervous and self conscious and very
uncomfortable when they go out so they stay home like the rest
of this forum