Hey, I came here to ogle pretty/handsome members of the forums, not to read a discussion on sexual equality.
Guys, here are some of the pics for my online dating profile. Let me know what you think.
Wow.... I'm no feminist but I hate when men compare women to objectsAnd just for the record, no, I do NOT do that to men.
Work your way up?? So, those girls who are not exactly "10's" in looks are worth less than the better-looking ones?
God, I hate society.
Me and my (recently) EX fiancee
I don't think it's so much society as it is human nature. People are going to go after the best mates, we're biologically wired to do so. Not saying anyone is worth more than anyone else, but people aren't going to pursue someone romantically (at least seeing them right off the bat) that they aren't attracted to.
^ Great eye color! The shirt definitely helps bring them out.Me and my (recently) EX fiancee
I don't think it's so much society as it is human nature. People are going to go after the best mates, we're biologically wired to do so. Not saying anyone is worth more than anyone else, but people aren't going to pursue someone romantically (at least seeing them right off the bat) that they aren't attracted to.
(Just kidding about the racist thing. I tell the cashiers at Walmart that I'm Ken Jeong to get free stuff all the time, so no worries.)
Wtf is that???^^^^^^^
Mean! This is supposed to be a support site! :oh...ummmm....
well no offence but you look like like snooki and gary busey had a baby!
well no offence but you look like like snooki and gary busey had a baby!
Mean! This is supposed to be a support site! ::
*reports post*