Nice pic! I love military pictures. I don't know why, I just do.
Are you the one to the far right in the front? Can't tell :/
yes mam
Nice pic! I love military pictures. I don't know why, I just do.
Are you the one to the far right in the front? Can't tell :/
the problem is not your looks -- do you ever try starting conversations with any girls? i'm assuming if you have SA then the answer is most likely no. THAT is what you need to focus on. you could be the best looking guy in the world and still not make any progress in your love life if you don't actually take the initiative by talking to a girl. and believe me.. i know it's not easy when you have SA (i never kissed a girl until i was 23) but you have to force yourself or things will never change.
It really irritates me that you all look normal but have social anxiety. Seriously, you don't know what I've been through. You all are so lucky, stop being so anxious around people!
It really irritates me when people assume social anxiety is a just function of looks.
.......Yeah, I know plenty of fuglies who are fine anxiety wise
Just watch Jeremy Kyle for example:
YouTube - Jeremy Kyle show - Your ugly! You are a freak! This woman is scary.
Yeah, I know plenty of fuglies who are fine anxiety wise
Just watch Jeremy Kyle for example:
YouTube - Jeremy Kyle show - Your ugly! You are a freak! This woman is scary.
as long as we're posting pics in our cammies...
me at Mountain/Jungle Warfare School in my rappelling gear, getting ready to leap from a 100 ft cliff (1983):
and me in my blues at my sister's college graduation (1984):
as long as we're posting pics in our cammies...
me at Mountain/Jungle Warfare School in my rappelling gear, getting ready to leap from a 100 ft cliff (1983):
and me in my blues at my sister's college graduation (1984):
Remus, you are breaching your own edict handed down only the day before yesterday about swear words. See:
Urban Dictionary: fugly
Are you going to give yourself an infraction?
It really irritates me when people assume social anxiety is a just function of looks.
What this guy said.
And what did this guy say?
It really irritates me when people assume social anxiety is a just function of looks.
Nope not really, but im too old now anyway to go out n stuff. Im 26 right now and I gave up kinda. I never even had a normal conversation with a woman of the same age so I wasted too much time and now I have as little experience as a 13 year old guy when it comes to women
Well not that I really care to live on my own I just wondered if my looks were the problem. I guess I miss some love or something in my life but I can live like this forever if needed. I went trough the painful experiences of friends that date new girls every week, building relationships, getting married, having kids etc. Collegues that talk about relations and women, and that meet new girlfriends when we have a trip with the company etc etc etc. and I all I can do is watching from the sideline. I admit it was confrontating en painful sometimes but then eventually I got used to it and it's normal now.
And also my family think it's normal that im always single they're used to it as well
My sister however is quiet hot as I must believe my friends, and ye she just lived a normal life with having boyfriends starting from age 14.
I just never received any signals from girls if they were intrested. I can't make eye contact as they always look awaywhen im going out.
But ye I guess all this dating is not meant for me and thats why I have many great hobbies and I work 50 - 60 hours a week so I don't have too worry too much about such things.