Post your picture thread


Well-known member
This is me, 26 years old guy from The Netherlands.

Never kissed or hugged a girl. The farthest ivve gone with a girl is a handshake.
Im invisible, girls walk through me like I don't exist. I stopped going out once I reached the age about 21 because I noticed that girls are not intrested in me.
I died inside, I know I will be forever alone.
Girls don't see me as relationship material. Im like a 70 years old man, not that im extremely ugly but girls won't pick out a 70years old man even tho he just looks normal. So im just trying to say that I don't have anything nice about my face that attract girls/women.

Quality is a bit **** but you get a good impression of how I look.

I'm convinced now that there is not a single girl out there that thinks im good enough looking.

My face is too simple buildup without any structures or male features.

Are you kidding? I'd kill for that chin.

I'm in there too... somewhere.

Carmen being a dork. <3


Well-known member
Quality is a bit **** but you get a good impression of how I look.

I'm convinced now that there is not a single girl out there that thinks im good enough looking.

My face is too simple buildup without any structures or male features.

I'm probably not one to say this, because I feel the same about myself... but you shouldn't feel so bad about how you feel because you *think* that no one finds you attractive.

Your face has GREAT structure from what I can see in this picture! Strong chin and jaw, great symmetry- you're pretty lucky, you know? (well, I guess you don't know...)
I wish you wouldn't feel so down on yourself though because you're really not a bad looking guy at all- you are actually quite good looking!

In time, I hope you'll be able to see that and with confidence will come good things! You have to be able to like yourself first-- and I guarantee that you'll notice people *do* actually like you.

inconspicuous name

Well-known member
Quality is a bit **** but you get a good impression of how I look.

I'm convinced now that there is not a single girl out there that thinks im good enough looking.

My face is too simple buildup without any structures or male features.

don't worry man you have nothing to worry about, the reason you've not had any luck with girls is honestly because you're not trying (you said yourself you gave up). try showing interest in girls first, don't always wait for things to come to you.

to keep this more on topic.... and seeing as people are posting their pets here's my stupidly adorable puppy called fudge. i may post a picture of me a bit later as well i 'spose.


feel free to be jealous.


Well-known member
This is me, 26 years old guy from The Netherlands.

Never kissed or hugged a girl. The farthest ivve gone with a girl is a handshake.
Im invisible, girls walk through me like I don't exist. I stopped going out once I reached the age about 21 because I noticed that girls are not intrested in me.
I died inside, I know I will be forever alone.
Girls don't see me as relationship material. Im like a 70 years old man, not that im extremely ugly but girls won't pick out a 70years old man even tho he just looks normal. So im just trying to say that I don't have anything nice about my face that attract girls/women.

Quality is a bit **** but you get a good impression of how I look.

I'm convinced now that there is not a single girl out there that thinks im good enough looking.

My face is too simple buildup without any structures or male features.

dude, I wish I was as good-looking as you are



No mate u don't. Trust me. I've been in school for 21 years, working for 3 years, 3 days a week on sportschool, going out about 100 times total and believe me, I never spoke with a girl of the same age because they reject my looks. Im simply a ghost, invisble , viewing as from the third person when there's a party.
I kinda accepted my situation but sometimes im almost crying that I missed something during my 20s. ANd it's not fun to see that my friends are very populair with the girls and they pretend like I don't exist to them. I know it's true im not stupid.

Also my friends got many "normal " girlfriends and sometimes they're trying to match me but those girls instantly reject my looks and ignore me for the rest of my life.
Quiet some girls litterly told me that im ugly. Im not imagining things here.

My only choice is to accept my uglyness that I stay alone forever but it's a very hard process. But I know I can do it.


Yep, I have a good haircut for the last 10 years and I always dress very well. I always look at my best when im leaving my home.

The fact is that I don't have anything attractive. I have a boring small pale face and im very thin. Im even too ugly for the most unattractive woman in this world.
Girls simply don't see me as man. Im not a man or woman but a unattractive piece of crap.

Noone ever told me in real life that I look fine. Always that I look Ill because of my small pale face or women that rated me 3 out of 10 in reallife when I was on a holiday. Accidently heard what they were saying -.-

Life is a living nightmare for the past 10 years where I always get negative attention especially from women that like to make sick jokes about my looks.
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Well-known member
Well it's rather odd, you just look like a normal/average person to me.

Perhaps it's a confidence thing. You go out expecting people to say and think these things, so you look nervous and depressed, rather than upbeat and confident. Obviously I can't judge the situation very well from my computer, but girls are attracted to confidence a lot of the time. Something which I know is very hard to muster up when you've been feeling down and depressed for years. But thus is the vicious cycle of life.


Well-known member
i went to the park today with my friend and our dogs.... we ended up playing on the playground the whole time, and this thing was freakin' awesome!!! hahaha :)



Well-known member
No mate u don't. Trust me. I've been in school for 21 years, working for 3 years, 3 days a week on sportschool, going out about 100 times total and believe me, I never spoke with a girl of the same age because they reject my looks. Im simply a ghost, invisble , viewing as from the third person when there's a party.
I kinda accepted my situation but sometimes im almost crying that I missed something during my 20s. ANd it's not fun to see that my friends are very populair with the girls and they pretend like I don't exist to them. I know it's true im not stupid.

Also my friends got many "normal " girlfriends and sometimes they're trying to match me but those girls instantly reject my looks and ignore me for the rest of my life.
Quiet some girls litterly told me that im ugly. Im not imagining things here.

My only choice is to accept my uglyness that I stay alone forever but it's a very hard process. But I know I can do it.

Well I don't see any ugliness by any stretch of the imagination, otherwise Dutch girls must be looking for men who look abnormally good looking. It must be something else about you if indeed they are not interested. To my knowledge, there are very few women who need to go out with very good looking men. Most women are drawn to a guy's personality, generosity, and even sometimes confidence or in the extreme case, cockiness.

If a guy thinks he is ugly and is putting out negative vibes, maybe the woman in question feels threatened, like they'll interpret it as you not being interested in them, and when feeling offended, they will retaliate by being nasty to you. Just a thought.

Just live your life the way you like, be interested in yourself, other people for what they are, rather than chasing romance and living in a bubble of self disdain due to perceived ugliness. Hey I used to think like that, but no longer. I am also your age, but I don't care about my looks the way I used to. Even when I was in a relationship, I still had suspicions of my worth including my appearance, and nothing the bf says to reassure me could change my mind. So it all depends on what you think about yourself. If you do think you are ugly, you are clearly not happy about that. Even if you are ugly, what can you do? Worrying will get you nowhere. Concentrate on your personality and interests, because there's more to life than looks. Even if you were the best looking guy in the Netherlands, a woman is not going to stick around if that's all you've got.


i went to the park today with my friend and our dogs.... we ended up playing on the playground the whole time, and this thing was freakin' awesome!!! hahaha :)

Looks like fun...wish I could go do that. I'm pretty sure someone would call the cops if I started playing on a playground. I suspect parents with young children think I look like a criminal most of the time. I'm not a criminal or anything...just for the record. :cool:


Well-known member
Reminds me of a trip I took with friends to Europe. We went to Hofbrau Haus in Munchen, and afterwards were hanging outside on a playground next to the biergarten. My friend starts pushing this German kid around on one of those spinning rides. My friend is wasted and the kid is yelling "Nein, Nein" while my friend is cracking up. The kid was okay, but looked like he was about to hurl.