Post your picture thread


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Okay... be careful I'm very self conscious... I'm putting these up so that people who keep calling me pretty based on old and lighter pictures of me will gape in horror but be quiet from now on.

From today.


Did that work?
You are so freakin' adorable! If I were a chick I'd totally do you! I mean. Wait. :confused:


Staff member
When I read Wuthering heights, the way I imagined Cathy looked very much like Escapeartist, a classic beauty.

How uncanny!


Well-known member
Aw you are all so sweet :3 Thankyou! /glush (gah+blush)

Punk love you are beautiful! Very pretty bright open face with unique and pretty features, you guys are cute together. Thanks for sharing your happy love with us :)


Well-known member
hi guys,it's been a while since i've been here...
just passing by~ *peace sign*

*looks back at the pages*
:eek: WOW!
i dunno if should post my pic anymore after seeing so many good looking people here..
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This is me, 26 years old guy from The Netherlands.

Never kissed or hugged a girl. The farthest ivve gone with a girl is a handshake.
Im invisible, girls walk through me like I don't exist. I stopped going out once I reached the age about 21 because I noticed that girls are not intrested in me.
I died inside, I know I will be forever alone.
Girls don't see me as relationship material. Im like a 70 years old man, not that im extremely ugly but girls won't pick out a 70years old man even tho he just looks normal. So im just trying to say that I don't have anything nice about my face that attract girls/women.

Quality is a bit **** but you get a good impression of how I look.

I'm convinced now that there is not a single girl out there that thinks im good enough looking.

My face is too simple buildup without any structures or male features.
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