Post your picture thread

I'm feeling rather ambitious today so here's a photo of me I took just now, sorry my hair's in a bit of a state lol


Keep your photos coming people!

You're cute!


Well-known member
I like your eyebrows ::eek::

I'm not sure if that was sarcasm, I think they're god damn awful lol :eek:

Your walls are purple, the ceiling is white, and the shades are red. That's an awesome room lol

The walls are blue but i think the lighting makes it look purple, when I redid the room my idea was that it was a UK theme (red white and blue) I'm not really a patriot or anything but I like the design of it, and a few accessories in my room like the bed covers and a rug have Union Jack (UK flag) designs. Looking back I probably went a bit over the top ::p:
Well, I was thinking about putting a picture of me up but if you put it that way I'm not so sure anymore. I'm so :confused:

My paranoid thinking is getting somewhere.

No, don't go down my path. I believe someone here said you can attach your picture so only members can see. I don't know how.
Quietly said: don't want to know how.


Well-known member
Going to the 'Freakers Ball' event tonight right here in Myrtle Beach. So I dyed my hair black. I am going as Morticia Addams, hehehe. A wig would have cost me around buck buck 80. Screw that.


Hey I dyed my hair jet black (even though its' black anyways) haha. Love the sleekness.


not actually Fiona Apple
Thats cause I dyed my hair in the one and in the other one I have a little makeup on and I don't have make up on in the other one. hahaha

And a smile, you have a smile in one of the pics and not in the other. With such a pretty smile it makes a big difference I think:D
And a smile, you have a smile in one of the pics and not in the other. With such a pretty smile it makes a big difference I think:D

A smile can make a difference, yes.
A smile for vengeance.
A smile for happiness.
Watch the eyes. Can tell if smile is real or false or unwanted.
Cool picture spider :D

stranger, you look like quite a nice person :) (though looks can be deceiving ;) - not saying that that is the case with you...btw :D)