Post your picture thread


Well-known member

wow - very pretty


Well-known member
Great hair agoraphobickatie. :D
Thanks anomicdeer. :)
TryAgain is right, I thought it was the same but appareantly not, lol. Btw, since the end of WW I we had a small piece of Germany in the far east corner. So actually German is a language in Belgium too.::p:


Well-known member
Well, he is Belgian, which means he speaks either French of Dutch (or both). Words like "féliciter" or "feliciteren" are the most common to congratulate someone I believe and quite close to felicitate, so maybe that's the reason why he is more acquainted with the word.

I bet some native English speakers don't know felicitate.


Well-known member
I'm feeling rather ambitious today so here's a photo of me I took just now, sorry my hair's in a bit of a state lol


Keep your photos coming people!
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