Post what you hate


Well-known member
I hate accidently kicking my toe in the dark
I hate mossies that sneak into my room and buzz around my ear, when I am trying to sleep.
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Active member
i hate ****ty customers and ones that try hitting on you.
i hate mornings
i hate haveing anxiety
i hate living in fear of somthing dumb
i hate not having any close friends besides my husband and mom
i hate my job
i hate washing dishes
i hate standing on concrete
i hate abusive people
i hate people that dont understand simple ****


Well-known member
I hate being bored in social situations

I hate getting out of bed before 9am

I hate wanting to avoid every single social situation I'm forced to be in

I hate people talking on cell phones in my proximity

I hate how I avoid responsibilities until I have no other options


Well-known member
I hate all consciousness. It is a foul thing to have even one entity conscious of itself in all the kingdom of everything. All things will be better after everything forgets that it exists.


I would have had a job from the day I started until the day I retire or die, making good €£$ if it wasn't for these evil people who took my life away from me. They are paid a lot by corporates to find the best of the best of the best who know the best. Anybody with a hair out of place, the wrong age, ethnicity, height, shoe size, attitude, etc, are not allowed through their filter. So from 1,000,000 candidates on the planet, they shortlist the last 2, 3, 10, or 100 to meet the employer - then they choose one person. Wasting all our time, to be rejected. The brainless moron with no GCSEs does as the employer wants, so the employer doesn't have to bother, and usually just goes on holiday. Recruiter has no idea what the job involves. If I say "hello" on the phone, I get rejected, and the recruiter hangs up. These people have completely flipped my life, and gave me SA. I don't play ball. Revenge is nigh. I fancy taking a masters MSc in Semtex / C4

Recruiter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Computer People - IT recruitment specialists


Well-known member
People who don't make an effort to keep others in their life. Simple words that come from the heart, honest simple words are all it takes.. but people are so caught up in games and rules and the refusal to "chase"


Well-known member
I hate when you are having a convo through IM, and they all of a sudden type, "Goodbye, ttyl. X"

I mean....there is no transition, it's normal convo and then BYE! Meanwhile you're left wondering if you even have time to fit in a "goodbye" before they log off.

I don't know....maybe it's just me. Should I be insulted, like... was I boring you so much that you had to immediately get off the computer at that instant?

Maybe I'm too sensitive. :rolleyes:

Sometimes its not you,sometimes they may have to do something else,have little time or maybe they dont know what to say anymore,but yes they should try to explain something,I am guilty of doing this sometimes.


Well-known member
boy racers
middle aged men that think theyre a boy racer
binge drinking
other peoples noise
rude people
animal cruelty


Active member
i hate when my crush 's acting weird when he's not in mood
that made me sick! make my feeling even worst then his.
Everything tht i do to make him better 's pointless!


Well-known member
People who act like their opinions are facts, even if you prove them wrong.
People who think there is only one way to see things and any other way is bad