Post what you hate


Well-known member
I hate people. I hate my conflicting opinions on people because, for one, they suck, and secondly, they are the continuous source of infinite satisfaction to our desires. Kind of like how a self-hating fat person thinks about food.
I hate the fact stupidity, "dumbness", and silliness are more appealing than being intelligent and serious.
I hate that people (I include myself in that, unfortunate, also hate the hypocrisy of myself) never deal with issues and rather choose band-aids. I hate that there probably isn't a solution to the issues that whichever of us might have.
I hate that, because of dealing with new people, my old issue of intrusiveness is back. I hate that I will be perceive as intrusive, when I really just want to find out if you're interesting. I hate that I will think I'm intrusive when you won't think I am, but it won't matter, because I'll only act on what I think is right.
I hate the fact that we have to play this bull**** game. We go around, making new acquaintances and contacts, but what happened to the old ones? What won't matter in a year?
I just hate this silly futile cycle of fulfilling life.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
First, I don't think you know what I am or am not capable of doing, as you have never met me.

Now when I say hate, I think of a very, very strong emotion. I'm not talking about an annoyance, like when someone says "I hate it when people do that," I mean extremely strong feelings of detest towards. I personally have a difficult time feeling strongly about anything, I'm very passive and wishy-washy about most things in life. And on an emotional level, I tend to not feel strongly, I don't get really happy, I don't get really sad, and a don't get angry at anything except myself. Numb, empty, desensitized, whatever you want to call it.

And also, the way my brain works doesn't really allow me to hate, for the most part. I wasn't saying I don't hate at all, but all my hate is directed at myself. As far as hating other people, the inability to read their minds and know exactly what they're thinking and why they do things makes it nearly impossible for me to hate them. Now without going deep into my moral views, I think right and wrong is based heavily on intentionality. But since I'm not a mind reader, I can never really know what's going through a persons mind, so I'm able to assume that they're doing what they think is right. I have no problem giving people the benefit of the doubt in any situation. Yes it makes me naive, but I'm okay with that. So in short what I'm saying here is that as long as I'm able to conjure up a possible scenario in which I don't hate someone, I don't hate them. My signature at the time was a quote by someone who raped a 12 year old girl, which is something I have a hard time understanding. I just think rape is such a horrible, horrible thing and can't really understand the mind of someone who would do that.

As far as hating non-human things, that's something different. Again, I think there's a lot I don't know, and have a strong feeling that everything happens for a reason. So murder, rape, racism, famine, poverty, (some) ignorance, natural disasters, ect, as terrible as I think they are, I don't hate them. I don't like them either, and would prevent something like that if I could. And I don't like blaming things, especially things outside my control. I assume you brought up the fact that I have a "mental disorder" because you maybe think I hate that, but I don't. I don't blame anyone but myself, and don't hate anything but myself when it is a problem. The fact that I have these problems does not make me hate more readily. And being human I don't believe requires you to hate. It's very possible to live a life without hating.

I can't help but think that if there were more VJs in the world, it would be a far nicer place. If everyone was a little more passive and wishy-washy, perhaps we wouldn't have quite so much hate and prejudice around.
@vj288 I WAS saying that having a mental illness is unfortunate and can cause a person to hate. Why wouldn't it? Mention having a mental illness and you are instantly different, and not in the good way. Suffering from a mental illness steals a person's life - it stole mine. That is what makes life fortunate, life. The people I mention as being "very fortunate" are different from the just fortunate people, but that is a different discussion.

I don't know about AvPD, but social anxiety causes people to be a little naive about others, probably in varying degrees. I am known to believe that people will do the best thing for others, choose the best options, and advance everyone. **I am now struggling to understand if I am naive or optimistic - I'm feeling a little too strongly in favour of naivete.**

I feel strange debating an issue of this type, because it has me using the same thinking process as my past self. I knew it wasn't completely gone. But I did think it would only return in times of great internal turmoil.


Well-known member
All the dumb mistakes I've made over the years. Yeah, those pretty much affect everything I do and how I live my life nowadays...


Well-known member
I hate people. I hate my conflicting opinions on people because, for one, they suck, and secondly, they are the continuous source of infinite satisfaction to our desires. Kind of like how a self-hating fat person thinks about food.
I hate the fact stupidity, "dumbness", and silliness are more appealing than being intelligent and serious.
I hate that people (I include myself in that, unfortunate, also hate the hypocrisy of myself) never deal with issues and rather choose band-aids. I hate that there probably isn't a solution to the issues that whichever of us might have.
I hate that, because of dealing with new people, my old issue of intrusiveness is back. I hate that I will be perceive as intrusive, when I really just want to find out if you're interesting. I hate that I will think I'm intrusive when you won't think I am, but it won't matter, because I'll only act on what I think is right.
I hate the fact that we have to play this bull**** game. We go around, making new acquaintances and contacts, but what happened to the old ones? What won't matter in a year?
I just hate this silly futile cycle of fulfilling life.

I completely agree with this. Society is a mess but there is people out there who are like you, like me. It sucks though cause it seem like your always surrounded by idiots. you'll always have that but just got to pick the right people and **** the rest.


Well-known member
:eek: geeez dude im im a biker who rides a bycycle and remains at a stop sign for five minutes minimum beacuse i know how people feel about cyclist and im too nice to let myself go ahead of them.

Sorry, I wasnt meaning to go off on you specifically, but this is a topic about stuff we hate after all, and those types of bikers are annoying
A lot of things, but after all I consider hate as something natural I shouldn't suppress. I used to be extremely polite few years ago, today I find pleasant using bad language or being annoying on purpose with some of my own relatives for fun IRL. Doing what I want when I want after all these years swallowing **** from the others is being actually free for me, specially when they say "Don't".


Well-known member
Intolerance, suburbia, weird looks, obnoxiously loud people, the majority of Mormons I've known, my hometown, poor personal hygiene, tobacco taxes, taxes, A large majority of political leaders, the version of youtube on PS3, child molesters, racists, missionaries, spam, odd numbers, panic attacks, the flu, black outs, lizards, pop music, posers, the police, going to the store, weak coffee and poor camera angles.


Hate is a strong word. So I will use dislike.

I dislike that fact that everyone worship MAN but not the creator himself. (Get it together people)
I dislike the fact that I have social phobia.
I dislike people who are mean and cruel for no apparent reason.
I dislike arrogant, and uptight people. (It won't get you anywhere)
I dislike the anything, TRASHY music they have playing on the radio. -__-

Folly TB

Not really a hate, more of annoyance...

When you're walking behind someone and they're walking really slowly, but not quite slowly enough that you could pass them at anything resembling a normal walking pace, so you have to either walk at an unnaturally slow pace yourself or end up walking alongside them.

I probably didn't explain that very well, but it annoys me all the same. :)

I hate that too lol A lot.


Well-known member
I got a phone call fir the first time in 4 years!
I realized that I really dislike my ringer. haha
I also dislike that my first phonecall in 4 years would be from a telemarketer calling past 10pm. Isn't that against some set of rules?
Oh well. XD


New member
I hate feeling uncomfortable eating in front of people, or walking in malls. I also hate that guy who killed all those people in Norway.

Man on the Moon

Active member
Sometimes I just can't stand the commute home from work. The long subway ride, then the bus...New York is such a crowded city, and yet I never felt so lonely. It's like when I step out of the office and into the streets, I suddenly feel like a stranger.


Here is a topic where you can post something or several things that you hate.

I hate illegal immigrants taking our jobs and money
I hate people who threaten and attack me for no reason
I hate being pegged as a racist for sharing my views on immigration
I hate not being able to sleep properly
I hate not being able to get a job because my school didn't support me

Come on everyone let it all out
This is what you sound like
‪Southpark - They Took Our Job!‬‏ - YouTube
stupid immingrants, leaving poverty to try and make a better life for them aand their families i hate them so much


Well-known member
I got a phone call fir the first time in 4 years!
I realized that I really dislike my ringer. haha
I also dislike that my first phonecall in 4 years would be from a telemarketer calling past 10pm. Isn't that against some set of rules?
Oh well. XD

Whats your ringtone of? My ringtone is Gir from Invader Zim screaming maniacally, fortunately no ones called me while Ive been asleep