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Well-known member
If I had money, I probably would. It's -20 out right now and snowy, and I HATE winter (and I'm talking about real winter, none of this no-snow, mild, sunny Australian "winter" BS).


Well-known member
If I had money, I probably would. It's -20 out right now and snowy, and I HATE winter (and I'm talking about real winter, none of this no-snow, mild, sunny Australian "winter" BS).
Haha yeah, winter in Australia is quite mild compared to what you get. It does get cold, though, but never below freezing. We do have snowy mountains and such.


Well-known member
Haha yeah, winter in Australia is quite mild compared to what you get. It does get cold, though, but never below freezing. We do have snowy mountains and such.

Haha. Yep. Never below freezing does sound nice. As a Canadian, though, it just sounds ridiculous. Laughable.


Well-known member
Haha. Well, come by! It's around 30C at the moment. Scorching!

I will say that I would like to experience a cold Canadian day once.

There's no doubt that snow can be fun at times, and we have found creative ways of making ice interesting as well (hockey, curling), but it isn't worth the cold. Definitely worth experiencing once though.


Well-known member
you're missing out until you see this one....

A CHRISTMAS STORY trailer - YouTube

I have an unhealthy affection for this movie. When TBS shows it for 24 straight hours, I'll watch a good portion of it. And I quote it all the time.

Daddy's gonna kill Ralphie!
^ I absolutely love that movie! :D It's always been a favorite of my dad's (and for me too) and we watch it together every single year. Even if we have seen it hundreds of times, it's still funny. Every single time. Never gets old for us. ::p:


Well-known member
Wah? That's horrible ::(: Australia just lost ground on Canada as most awesome place (on my list of awesome places)
Kangaroos can do some awful damage to your car if you hit them!

And don't worry - the amount that end up as roadkill is a tiny fraction of their population. Very tiny. :) Does that help? Haha.