Phrases or words that irritate you


Well-known member
Some of mine are:

it is what it is
shut the front door (slang)
fabulous! (when used as exaggeration)
I don't like seeing all those photos (such as on pinterest etc) of pregnant women (even if tasteful, it's just too much, lol)
om nom nom
eh, whatever

that's all I can think of right now....I'm sure there's more and I am sure there are words, phrases that I USE that annoy others :) it goes without saying!

what are some of yours?


Well-known member
i completely agree with you!

yes, lovely (it's almost sarcastic sounding when some people say it) ....and that stay-at-home thing (what do they expect, they are parents, it's 'not gonna go away') (or do they expect a reward)

I also don't like when people say they are going to 'treat' themselves to something, ie. a starbucks

you're not an animal who needs or deserves a treat...just say it, "damn it I want a starbucks!" lol


Well-known member
I hate all "gangster" lingo. I hate hearing that garbage.
I also dislike "Yolo", hashtagging everything, probably a lot more internet slang that I'm just not thinking of at the moment.


Well-known member
Oh god, the hashtags.

Some of mine though;

I'll think of more later.
"just one second"
"i'll be over in a second"
"i'll be there in a second"
"give me a minute"

certainly when someone says "i'll phone you back in a minute" and they phone you back like 6 hours later...

its just annoying when people say these...frustrates me!
* This anime smilley used in messages that don't call for it;


It comes across as a condescending; ''Oooh 'kay. I'm not sure how to respond so I'll just make some half assed annoying anime emoticon, and just let you continue the conversation and be a lazy ****''. I'm not a fan of anime body language to begin with.


* Also, ''Lol'' as a response to a message that is equal to- or longer then, 100 characters.


* And pretty much any acronym. The thing is, names don't usually overlap, acronyms DO. Meaning that if you're doing something complicated, and you run into 30.000 acronyms and have to look them all up and then run into the wrong one 26 billion times, it becomes a TAD BIT FRUSTRATING. It makes complicated things SO MUCH MORE COMPLICATED. *mouth foam*


* When people sad ''Bod'' instead of ''Body'' non-ironically. Really? Too lazy or cool to say that last letter are you?


Know what that means? No? That's because acronyms are useless and annoying unless you know what it stands for. On their own they're just a dumb bundle of letters.
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Well-known member
This is a fabulous thread!

I was talking with my preggo cousin about this the other day. She lives near me and she’s a stay-at-home mum, so I get to talk to her a lot. Her kiddos wouldn’t stop bugging us though. “Shut the front door!” – she screamed at the poor kids. I told her, it is what it is…they can’t really help themselves at that age. She was frowning the whole, whatever. I took them to a local restaurant for dinner anyway, ‘twas fun, om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom, the food was LOVELY, I could swear I was preggers myself after eating that much!

Ah, these family moments make my heart warm, at the end of the day, that’s what matters the most, period.

Juuuuuuust kidding - wait, WAIT *dodges incoming knives and torches*
I see what you did here.... :ironicsmile: