Pet pics


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my pet hamster, Benji, after a rough night
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Well-known member
These two are sisters of the same litter even though they look NOTHING alike.

EDIT: Whoa... Didn't mean for the pics to be that big. I fixed it.


Grizzly (who wouldn't look up unless I had food in my hand)
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Well-known member
This is my favorite cat, Mr. Ecko.

This is Sawyer, he is a massive cat and only 1 year old but a total wuss.

Mr. Ecko putting a beat down on Nani, you can see the eldest cat in the background, Blue.

And lastly, Sawyer and Nani freaked out by eachothers presence (they hate eachother).

I'll risk looking like an idiot, but I'm gonna go ahead and make a guess, but were two of your cats named after Lost characters? (Mr. Ecko and Sawyer)


i cried when mr. ecko died ::(: (no i didn't...i did on the inside)

i do love black cats though and he looks mucho cute.

so does grizzly, he got them magic eyez!


Well-known member
i cried when mr. ecko died ::(: (no i didn't...i did on the inside)

so does grizzly, he got them magic eyez!

I know how it feels when your pet dies..

She actually. :3 And yeah, I would love her eyes to be like that for real, but that's the camera's doing.


Well-known member
Most people can't get used to the fact that hedgehogs don't need or even want human interaction. They don't cry, they don't go crazy like dogs and cats do. They don't love you back. He's the perfect pet for me because he reminds me of myself. It's fun just to let him scurry around the room when he's awake at night. One time I fell asleep with him on the floor though and woke up and he was gone. I turned the entire apartment upside down for 3 hours until I finally found him. Scared the *bleep* out of me.


Well-known member
Most people can't get used to the fact that hedgehogs don't need or even want human interaction. They don't cry, they don't go crazy like dogs and cats do. They don't love you back. He's the perfect pet for me because he reminds me of myself. It's fun just to let him scurry around the room when he's awake at night. One time I fell asleep with him on the floor though and woke up and he was gone. I turned the entire apartment upside down for 3 hours until I finally found him. Scared the *bleep* out of me.

You never hurt yourself with him ? When I would sleep with a hedgehog(lol), I would be stabbed all over the place.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
sometimes his quills will prick me by accident, but it's never his fault. He can't help being spiky. It doesn't bother me though, I prefer spikes to fur lol.