Pet pics


Well-known member
A merry christmas from Stella:



Well-known member
Here's one I just took of my leopard gecko Eris trying to escape from her prison, hehe ::p:


Note: Her current tail looks strange because she lost her original one when she was a baby.


Well-known member
Fitftw - I've goto say im verrrrrrrrry jelous of your hedgehog :(
Im not sure if we even have them in Aus (if we do,doubt we can keep em as pets)

i want one though dammit !


Well-known member
he eats catfood, seems to love the stuff too lol. I fill his dish and by morning it's empty. They like mealworms too, I should buy some live ones soon.

he's adorable until I take him out and every few days he'll think it's ok to poop and pee on the carpet. Then I just put him back in his cage and don't play with him anymore that night. Maybe he'll learn that gets him back in jail.



Well-known member
you'd be surprised how much poop can come out of him lol. His name's Quilliam. I think a male and female is okay, they will definitely breed. Two males together is bad though, they will kill each other lol. When he's in the cage he knows to use the litterbox. It's just tough for me to know when he has to go.


Well-known member
Oh my god, *wants to squee*

Your cat is co cute lying like that! I want to stroke its tummy!

And fitftw, your hedgehog is sooo cute too! The eyes and nose are soo cute.