Osama Bin Laden dead

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Oh my god, yes. I was JUST about to make a thread about this. I wonder if it's really true.

deleted user 1

The real enemy is the Federal Reserve and the puppets they put in office. Bin Laden was a side show, it proved useful in taking away many American's rights through fear mongering. The constitution has been viciously attacked.


Well-known member
Oooh, FoxNews



Well-known member
My random thought is that it is improper to

. discuss at length
. celebrate
. gloat over

anyone's death, whoever they are.

PS Ethnically, I am 100% European (English & German), am not a Moslem and have always lived in a 100% Western culture

deleted user 1

Obama Bin Laden!

I'm still curious as to his native origins. He currently has the Islamic world wanting him to be their supreme leader, and given his Islamic name? Well, that is very disconcerting. Furthermore, he already violated the constitution by presiding over the UN some months ago. Very secretive, and very deceitful, this man has no credebility. Not too surprising seeing that the Rothchilds were behind his campaign, he was their go-to man from the beginning. Though they had others under the same vice. He is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Freemason, and well in league with the Globalists agenda, which is aimed at the dismantlement of the United States of America.
Presidential Elections next year and Obama is a hero... hmm I wonder if they can prove Osama's death.


Well-known member
Well considering that they knew his location all this time, it's about time. Seems rather planned to me. :rolleyes:

deleted user 1

Well considering that they knew his location all this time, it's about time. Seems rather planned to me. :rolleyes:

Have you noticed how they use the "Bin Laden's dead" story when under pressure, particularly when the illegal war is under intense scrutiny? And whenever they need to push through new anti-constitutional processes, there's a terror alert, just to remind you that they cannot protect you if you have your freedom? It's a very sad state of affairs. Added to this, it's about time that people woke up and realised that you cannot put a face on terrorism. It's not like fighting another sovereign entity, it has no leader. It was the perfect ploy, as it can never end. Think of the money the bankers made out of this one? It makes me sick. Do yourself a favor and research their dealings in both World Wars, but that in itself isn't even the half of it.


Well-known member
A word of caution before you begin to rejoice. I am by no means a conspiracy theorist, but those photos taken of him were not very clear so that corpse could have belonged to someone else. If it is him then the west is going to have a lot of of pissed off terrorists, followers, family and friends of Bin Laden intent on revenge.
Whether Bin Laden is truly dead or not, there eventually will be someone worse to take his place.


Well-known member
Its incredible how much of a popularity contest american politics have become. But anyway, since Obama got so much flak from his work on the financial trouble (a republican would have done the same and gotten just as unpopular on it, people should blame Bush tbh. ) Its only fair he gets a boost of popularity :p


Staff member
I'm relieved but not celebratory, I worry if the snake will grow two heads now. I'd have preferred a trial for 'justice' in the international courts, rather than him killed without being held accountable for his attrocities.
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