Osama Bin Laden dead

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Well-known member
Some of what I've read in this thread makes my head hurt. Or maybe my headache is from allergies?

Nope. Definitely this thread.


Well-known member
I meant the specific conspiracy theories where people say that Al-Qaeda wasn't responsible for 9/11 and that it was the U.S. government that did it.
i don't like bum-wash theories anymore than you do, but who's to say this isn't true.

my take on it is, they don't make it any better for themselves by hiding stuff from the public and saying it's "classified" and "need to know" and all that rubbish. because the american and british governments are run by oil tycoons and lairs with hatred for their own people, there's reasonable doubt.

look at al-qaeda... i never heard of them before 9/11, or bin lard-arse... it's funny how they knew straight away who did it and where to go. and they cained the whole thing to death, drilling into you head about who's bad and who's good, who are the heroes and who to hate.

in contrast to the nazis, everyone knew about them and the war lasted only 5 years. from ww2 we got out of that the basis for computers, rockets and space-travel, nuclear power (good or for bad), jet airplanes, radar, etc...

what has anyone got out of the middle east, apart from oil?

i don't like the idea that anyone can run into a country whenever they like for weapons of mass destruction, what they didn't find anyways and brushed off... hahaha, what a load of rubbish.

btw, i hate the digit form for everything now... 7/7, 9/11, 7/11, 91210, etc.. thanks america ;)

deleted user 1

It's likely someone has said this already, but Obama is actually an African name.

Also, his full birth certificate was recently released; something Donald Trump was quick to take credit for...

I'll never understand politics. -.-

Anyways, on the original topic: I don't believe we'll never know for sure if Osama is actually dead, but the thought still satisfies my darker side.

Also I doubt that if he is dead, he was shot for "resisting arrest" - I imagine the greater part of America would shoot on sight, military protocol be damned.

Obama is not an African name it is a Muslim name. You will never ever hear a native black person who is not in a Muslim region call themselves Barack Obama. Tonderai Ntshinga, Khumalo, Masinga, Nokwe, Chavangha, they are native bantu (black) names. I'm telling you this as an African, not as a brainwashed Westerner. That's how black people entered the Southern region of Africa, because of invasions from Islam taking over the north. That's where you get these names like Barack. Now I ask again, what is his native origin? His pigmentation is not identifiable with any black nation, his name does not fit either, he is very secretive about all of these details. So what am I supposed to think? Further more, he is more in favour of the Islamic states than he is with Israel, and they want him as the supreme leader of Islam outright. I'm not in any way being unreasonable in questioning him.
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