I'm now thinking that my complete lack lack of dates/etc could be simply due to "luck of the draw" more than anything else (young looks, SA, risk averse, fear of rejection, fear of change, ..). By that i mean, in analogy, i haven't bought enough lottery tickets over the years (i haven't gotten out there enough, haven't risked rejection (asked women out) enough, haven't been rejected NEAR enough). In fact, i think my situation isn't really that much different from the average guy, who gets rejected many times, even if they're exceptionally good-looking/sociable/engaging/etc. And i ALSO mean by "luck of the draw" that i'm just one of those guys who need to go "the extra miles" to find a woman sucessfully, but by my nature i choose not to go even the MINIMUM miles (risk averse, low confidence, etc). And finally i mean by "luck of the draw", that the MINIMAL efforts/chances i HAVE had, it's just simply SHEER BAD LUCK that i never even got a single date. That explains EVERYTHING for me - why i seemed to be "CURSED" regarding women (& life too).