Well, one thing i can say with certainty, is that it's been one heck of a trip for you this past year!
Thats an understatement lol.

Gosh he just makes me soo angry. In the mornings as Ive been spend most of my time at home now and not staying over his place anymore. I go on his Instagram account to see what hes been up to because he goes to bed no kidding at 7:30 - so gets up quite early.
And I find all these posts that make me have an arguement in my head to him- trying to find the words of how it makes me feel and how retarded he is lol.
Its just selfie after selfie. He becomes pre-occupied with trying to break the internet - he calls it sometimes - or being dominant and cocky by being a real idiot on there. Despite m telling him it really distressed me and I cry for an hour sometimes because its very confronting how bad he is in his mind.
This conversation I really feel like being nasty to him and telling him what I think as any other way doesnt get through.
He is spending all days uploading to Instagram and then writing weird stuff - being amusing to himself - and immature writing silly word plays about bums and willies and things like that. Also about how he thinks people are spying on him on this page - his inckling. And then on about how people dont have the guts to tell him hes a 20-year professional heavy metal guitarist - as theyve apparently all seen him on facebook and his gtar videos yet still ask him what hes up to in person. Then he goes on about how its just an internet page and to calm down.
Nearly everything he goes on about others- in reality, is about him and his situation - yet he cannot see that lol.
Meanwhile - his fish are once again swimming in brown water- where the other day I was over for 20 minutes and stuck a note on the tank to clean the filter - put new water in etc..
Theres loads of things - basic responsibilities that he just doesnt bother to do or forgets - or is just in his whirlwind mind.
He is so used to everyone doing everything for him and giving to him.
Literally- he is like a little kid as he likes his toys and lollies and having no goals or responsibilities and just going with how he feels each day.
There is no self-respect with him. So I cannot respect him.
And he such provokes himself online like a sitting duck waiting for someone to really show him his reality he cant see that - Ive even told him that - to be careful.
The most embarrassing thing is that he uses his own name- like full name on his Instagram and does all this really nutty excessive stuff- that anyone who knew him or know of him - if they were to look that up would be distressed like me. And then it all comes down to me - because why the hell would anyone go out with someone like that ? That has absolutely no self respect, no life...
and obv no respect for me either.
God - it just makes me so angry. And yet he thinks everything is fine - he doesnt interact with me- just wants to be around me- and me think of things to take him and out all the time.
Ive kept my bday quiet. Im not reminding him of it and I told mum not to either. My bday is in November. I got him a phone for his bday- an old iphone - but it was still $$ for a present for him like $300. Now he uses that phone everyday and night. I had to buy him a new lightening cord as he was still using his old phone to take photos and videos and I was like... you can just upload your photos on the new phone.. and he kept going on about how he needed a new cord - so after many months - I just ended up buying him one because he cant even buy one himself.
He cant pay me back $100 from the start of this year. He orignally said he would budget paying me 20s. Fast forward to the other week and he pays $100 for his friend coming from the city to get him drugs together.( which by the way is a huge nope to me about him - it sealed the deal about not being my partner soon).
How much can a woman take ? Like to be like this - and think he is one othe bet boyfriends and stuff. I mean - yeah he does care in his own way and does do things for me. But he always is all about himself and totally retarded.
It becomes such a distress.