Im home again for once again yay!
Why do I keep on doing this? I find it sooo hard to say NO to people. I am so far past the part where I lost myself its not funny.
Its just so hard to balance things. The inner voices in me telling me its all not worth it- to give up basically your life for another just to please'. And I know that. But most of the time now I am just too exahuasted to create a plan- t think about it and dont do anything. Its like Ive become him.
You know - where is that person - where am I- ??? The one that finally took out what was bothering her and pulled it apart and felt it and by doing so crushed it and made new avenues that were exciting and achieved goals she thought she never could? That realised that she could do anything she put her mind to and had so much energy to do so... that had all the time it seemed in the world - in the day with no commitments and realisation that she didnt need anyone- anyones approval.. and really started to fully love her self with self care.
I mean, where has she gone?
I was so far with so many things to now see myself in demise because all this time- for over a year - Ive just still to this day been saying yes instead of no and way overdoing it above and beyond with absolutely no time for myself- hardly even to eat.
Im so sick of it. I truely am.
Yet its so easy to put someone else first - esp when youve put yourself last for such a long time now and your backlogged and without the energy to untwined it all.
I saw my doctor today and she suggested that ( and this is something that I have been saying all along but not getting around to) is making a roster so that I have these days all to myself and stick to them- so that he knows.
I just cant go on like this. I feel like Im jus dragging myself by- being everyone to everone and noone to myself. I feel so spun out and can never relax. Even like tonight when I know im at home and everything.
I feel like I need months socially away and at home and no pressure. Its too much alot. I liked being anonymous and independent and having that time to be myself - do what ever I wanted and when. Now its like I am who the people see me (which is not the case - I am who I see me and can change however I like to reflect myself inside)- and it feels mouldy and old, I want to be my own creator and have the time to do so again. Im so tired of feeling so pressured and stressed and putting my goals on the back burner and wasting my time.
I want to be able to stay at my own home most of the week and have a sense of home back again for once. I dont want to have to stay over his place all the time - and be without my things and in a men's environment and not my own.
Im one of those people that have a certain lifestyle - well did* that made me feel really good- to wake up in my own bed in my own gorgeous but small bedroom and my animals and light streaming through the window- to be in my own girly romantic essence of my own home- room, and to be able to do my self care- workout in the night if I feel like it, do my beauty routienes and things. And I cant do any of that over at his. I feel like its another day and aanother day away- and before long its been 6 months and a year and more that I havent even really seen my family properly and neglected my pets. When, over his place - he gets to do what he wants and hardly spends half an hour over my place you know.
God, I jsut want the freedom back. He is so needy in the nightime - he gets bored and wants company and to watch films or something. But its not fair to me. But since his father past - Ive had to be there for him. But now its like Im just pushing it so badly. I want to look after myself. I dont want to give myself any further as I hardly have anything to give anymore. ITs too much.
I just want to sleep for a while. And then get to my goals. My body needs so much rest from all this stress. Its not coping very well.
The pressure.
I mean, he is an understanding guy, but its hard to plan with him and he can be so needy and of course completely different lifestyles and he is not all there often and not know much.. which is factual not being mean- just saying.
Im a big believer in valueing yourself by taking action by listening to your inner self and having the courage to believe in what ever you want for yourself and going through the boundaries to do so. That valueing yourself - is looking after yourself- the more time you can spend on really looking after yourself through all sorts of self care- the better value - and more quality you can be to yourself and others and your life a whole lot better. So why is it so hard for me to do that now?
I really have to do 2 things I should/need to be doing I guess - is putting in place some structure of my boundaries so that I am protecting my valuable sense of self and me* time and sticking to it and the other is writing out my needs and how I will get them- how ever and what ever they are. What I need to feel happy and beyond.
I already know what I can do now. Journalling has been so helpful to me. Even when its been so negative, I think that is when - esp reading it back and even gettting reflection from others - that Ive really been able to see the truth through the emotions and whats going on.
And from there where I can get to.
So I know I just want to feel like I did the start of last year and just before that. I felt so good because every single day I worked on myself. Things that I had yearned for for so long - I worked on them. Now I feel like Im far from that person. I want to get back to that and not let anything get in my way. My identity feels lost to others leading my life instead of my own once again.
And I just need to call it to a hault and work on my goals and my time.
I feel like, tho because I spend all my time over his place and with him. I spend every night just about at his place. I hardly spend anytime with my family or my pets. And then when I get to that and my mum who needs me to take her places and things - we have always been very close and in a co-dependency for years - so when Im home- Ive got those things and then Im also exausted and then I can get to me and its like Im so burnt out.
Anyways going to my drawing board