Hiya, hullo. Ye awright, aye? Coz ah'm no' as ye can probably tell. Still writin' Scots dialect fur some odd reason. But ye git use tae efter awhile.
Ah've been lettin' ma depression, anxiety an' low self-esteem issues git me doon, lately. Ah know, ah shouldnae, but, we aw huv bad days, don't we? So, once again, ah've got naff all tae say. And yet ah'm typin' this incredibly boring, self-aware, self-conscious pish. But then, ah think that says a lot aboot me.
Should really huv got oot the hoose the past couple uh days and went fur a wee wander aboot in ma wheelchair - but ah couldnae be arsed. Typical uh me really, procrastinatin' an' aw that.
But then, there isnae much in ma town tae do, in terms uh gan oot - except mibbe gan tae the shops or gan oot an' get shit-faced drunk on the weekend, y'know. But then that yer typical Friday night, innit? Never saw the appeal uh gan oot an' gittin' drunk, maself. Except fur that time when ah wuz 14 - ma cousin's weddin' reception. Buckin' hell! What a night... ah tell ye aboot it at some point. Well, ah gie (gee) ye the abridged, shorted version o' what ah remember fae that night.
No' the now coz ah'll need tae ask other family member what they remember. Coz as y'know a great story lies in the detail and we Scots huv a habit uh tellin' long-winded stories that seemingly gan naewhere. Y'know like maist uh ma posts on here. :bigsmile:
Ah think ah'll end this post wi' some slightly cheery news an' tell ye what ah've got planned fur ma summer holidays. No' really gan anyway, except Edinburgh.

Sorry, that jist made me laugh coz uh summit ma mum said yesterday, when ma sister had here car parked just ootside the King's Arms Hotel and in replied tae ma sister's question:
"Is there anythin' comin'?" Ma mum replied:
"No. But there's a yella car"
So, aye, anyway... Gan up tae Edinburgh fur the Edinborough Fringe Festival again, 5 years after ah first went, but that's another story. Ah tell ye aboot that anaw at some point. Commuttin' back an' forth fae the Scottish Borders tae Edinborough, jist like ah use tae went ah was a wee lad - but ah mentioned that previously.
*Deliberate misspellin' of Edinborough is jist me affectationally takin' is the piss oot uh how some folk - mainly Americans - pronounce that city's name.
Right am off afore this post gits any longer.