Och, well, that me back tae ma dour, weary self - well, kinda.
On the plus side ah've got a ticket tae
"The Big Yin" Billy Connolly on the first night of a 9-night run of stand-up show in his hametown, Glasgow.
. Ah cannae wait.
Nuthin' mair tae report in terms uh updates, really. But then again, ah feel as though ah dinnae really huv much tae say. Well, nuthin' o' any relevance. :idontknow:
Don't know whit else tae talk aboot... :thinking: Ah would bore ye if actually hud summit tae say or ah'd make ye laugh if ah hud summit funny tae say.
Och! Ah don't know, bin huvin' a crisis o' confidence, lately. Self-doubt an' aw that other pish that comes wi' that. Which isnae good... But ah've always kinda hud nae confidence in masel', except fur times when ah've hud tae stand up fur maself.
Though, retrospectively ah've been thinkin' aboot ma life up tae this point, and... Ma biggest regret huz tae be no' persuin' ma creativity - mair tae the point, writin' - as a potential career. Coz, as somebuddy on here telt me recently, ah've got talent
(apparently).But the way ah look at it is that ah've got more potential than talent. But mibbe that's jist me sellin' masel' short? Or mibbe ah've let whit those teachers telt me durin' ma 3rd year uh secondary school git tae me? And ma dad anaw, he didnae approve uh me being aw that creative either.
Coz ye see me,
- ah know ye cannae, but that isnae the point here... - ah dinnae think ah'm aw that bright, tae be honest.
Dimmer than dimmer switch - that me. Plus, ah dinnae think ah've got the, eh, imagination or mair importantly, the discipline tae be a writer.
But then again, neither does [insert famous author name here]. Y'know who ah'm talkin' aboot, right? E. L. James *cough*. Sorry, got a wee tickle in make uh ma throat there. Ah did huv it when ah wuz a wee lad, aboot 10 years auld - gie me a pen or a pencil ah'd be off writin' or drawin'. And ah wuz quite guid, tae - oh aye!
Anyway, ah'm offski coz ah jist bletherin' like a total dafty, so ah um.