Anway, where wuz ah? Oh, aye, ah wuz in the middle uh tell youse a story frae ma high school days, wasn't ah?
So, continuin' frae where ah left off if ye were follow that last post? Y'know the yin wi' the picture o' ma school, aye, that yin...
So, anyway...Elmarie is jist shoutin' abuse at Kaylie - chantin'
"Who ate aw the pies!" as we're walkin' doon the hallway tae the stairs. Her friend, Honor tells her tae ignore it, which she does until Elmarie git up right behind her on the stairs. She starts callin' Kaylie a fat bitch, wh*re, s*ut, pig-nose. Ah'm jist a step behind them, hearin' every word. Thinkin'
"Should ah dae summit or should ah no' bother? F**k it... Go fur it!" So ah tell Elmarie tae stop it, to which she replies:
"Shut it ya f**kin' spastic!"
Huvin' cerebral palsy and bein' mixed race, there isnae an insult ah huv'nae heard afore, regarding either uh them issues. Me, bein' the clever, witty c**nt that ah um, gan: "Oh, how original. Is that the best ye cun dae, eh? It's almost like yer tryin' tae hurt ma feelin's" That gits a reply of:
"Duh! Mong!" To which ah calmly go:
"Ye were actually right the first time". Then she goes:
"F**kin' paki" Oooooh! Gasp! Ma response:
"It's mair o' a tan, really..."
Bored wi' me, and realising ah'm no' feert tae throw insults back at folk, Elmaire gans back tae verbally abusin Kaylie, as well as pushin' her. Goadin' her tae a fight. We're at the bottom of stair by this point. Kaylie aggressively askes: "What your problem, eh?" Elmaire, seriously and rather threatingly goes:
"You!" Kaylie - red-faced wi' rage at this point, just turn and sensably walks away. Elmaire follows Kaylie oot the door that lead tae the bus park, yellin'
"Hi, where d'ye think you're gan?!" Not tryin' tae be funny, Kaylie shout back at her
Me and Honor are jist watchin' this confrontation aboot tae really f**kin' kick off. Ah say "D'ye want me tae.." noddin' over tae the doors that led tae the bus park She goes: "Naw, it's awright, ah'll sort it". "Awright, ah'm gan hame. See ya!" At that moment, just as ah'm aboot tae turn right, and make ma way doon another long hallway, past the head teacher office, past the front desk reception area and oot the front doors - it kicks off. The kids huv circled roon Elmarie and Kaylie, chantin'
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Me and Honor walk oot tae see what's gan on. Ah remember somebuddy tellin' me
"Elmaire's gan tae batter Kaylie - this should be a right laugh!" Ah go
"Ha!" But, in that dismissive tone uh voice. Coz the shite huz jist splattered aw oor the fan. It aw git a bit Fight Club at this point...
So ah'm watching this confrontation, Elmarie goes right up tae Kaylie, right in her face and tell her to hit her. Kaylie doesnae so Elmaire shoves her, again nuthin'. Shove her again, nuthin'. Then Elmaire slaps Kaylie... Some of the crowd go
"Oooooh!" Then Elmaire start yellin':
"C'mon, hit me! Whit ye no' hittin' me fur, eh?!"
Kaylie breaks doon in tears, Honor gives her a hug. And the poor lassie's sobbin'...At that point, ah step in:
"Awright, enough's enough, eh?! C'mon, ye caw'd hur names, ye slapped hur, she's greetin'. Ye done enough"
Then Elmaire starts on me and she's yin uh those fast-talkin' Scottish wimmin - y'know, 3 words per second:
Elmaire: "Whit's she no' hittin' me fur, eh?"
Me: "Cause she's hit you, you hit her, she hit you back..."
Elmaire: "The fat, ugly bitch deserved it, anyway..."
Me: "Really? Fat and ugly, ye say? 're you jelous uh hur or summit?"
Elmaire: "Pfft... Aye, right!"
Me: She might be fat, tae you but she no' ugly. And she's no' a bitch. You on the other hand..." Wallop! She skelps me right in the gob. Full forced, and open handed, thankfully...
Me: Awww, sorry did ah say summit tae upset ye? At least, y'know how she feels, eh?", pointin' tae Kaylie, who is still cryin'.
Elmaire tells me tae eff off, and flips the middle finger salute, just at the point when the computer studies teacher, Mr Park, comes oot:
"What's gan on here, then?"
In response to Elmaire tellin' me tae eff off, ah go:
"Goan, then... Git tae." She buggers off, then Parky says:
"Oooh! That's left a mark, what happen tae you, Graeme?" Honor tells 'em, Elmaire hit me. Then ah, unintentional gan:
"Could've been worse, she could've punch me. At least ah stilll got aw ma ain teeth" This gets a laugh oot uh Parky. Then me and Honor basically explain the whole incident to him, he tells if it happens again - just tae tell him. He then asks if Kaylie'll be okay, Honor says that she will, and Parky goes back tae his classroom
But story doesnae end there... Feelin' a bit concerned, ah ask Kaylie if she'll be awright, an' jist yell at me.
"Leave me alone!" and storm off room the corner of the school buildin', towards the bus park in a huff.
Honor goes: "It's awrigt, ah'll talk to her"
"Awright... ah'm away hame. See ya!"
Nae sooner than ah started walkin' away, ah hear Honour shoutin', "Graeme! Graeme!"
"Aye, what is it?"
"C'mere a minute!"
"But ah've got tae git...!"
"Kaylie want tae speak tae ya! We'll no' keep ye long!"
So ah make ma way over. Honor and Kaylie are all now standin' against the wall. Ye see the part of the building that in the foreground of that photo ah post before of ma high school, aye? That where they're standing, not far from the steps ye also see that picture.
Anyway, Kaylie, her voice tremblin' a wee bit and startin' at her feet, apologies tae me. Ah go:
"Nae need tae apologies. At least, ye didnae hit me" This ironic reference gets a wee laugh from Honor, considering what jist happen moments ago. Mibbe that wuz'nae be the best time tae make an in-joke of the situation? Kaylie starts cryin' again, ah apologies fur the joke. She says it wuz'nae that... I ask what was wrong. She says it dinnae matter. Ah think should ah jist leave or should ah try n' console her. Coz she wuz'nae exactly in the best state tae git on her bus home.
Plus, seemed kinda annoyed wi' hersel' fur no' fightin' back...
So, ah tell Honor tae ask the bus driver of the bus Kaylie gets on tae wait a wee minute. Coz, ah thought there's nae Kaylie wuz gan hame greetin' her eyes oot. The kids on here bus would've just made fun of her more. Ah lead her and Honor tae those 2 steps ye see in that previous photo, we sit doon. Ah git a wee packet of tissue oot ma bag and hand them tae Kaylie, so she can dry her and eyes and blow her nose. Ah kinda break the ice, by tryin' tae her laugh, nae idea why? Ah still remember what ah said to her anaw.
"Yur in an awfy state..."
She laughs, but even ah cun tell she's tryin' no' tae cry.
"Ah know how ye feel, Kaylie... Ah've been on receivin' end masel', many times, since primary. Physical and verbal bullyin' - it's no' nice. But it stops when ye stand up fur yersel'. And that what ye need tae do, Kaylie - stand-up fur yerself, fight back if need be"
"You shouldnae be scared uh Elmaire, anyway. She should be scared uh you, you're bigger than her"
"Thanks fur implyin' ah'm fat?"
"Ah didnae mean it like... Yer no' fat. Though, yer taller than Elmaire. so...Yer bigger in that sense"*
* Ah kinda said that withoot thinkin, which made Honor and Kaylie laugh...

Ah reassure her that thing'll be fine, and she's not as ugly as the names she gets called might suggest. She give me a big hug and thanks me for makin' her feel a bit better. Which made feel good fur, actually helpin' somebuddy in a situation that ah could empathise wi - huvin' went through it masel'... And it kinda ends there, really. Kaylie made her way tae the bus, calm and composed, Honor thanked me fur stick up for her friend - and ah went on ma ain way hame.
Ah know, shite end tae a true story, eh? :bigsmile: