Hie yer hence from me heath!
I love Shirley Manson!
Great singer. For an underrated band. Kinda ironic that the band names is Garabage but their music is quite the opposite.
I think your sense of humor is great, and you kick *** too!:applause:
Awww, thank you.
It's on top of ma anxiety, depression and low self-esteem issues - and ma cerebal palsy. It's makes ma life all the more difficult.
So that recent possiblity, if am honest, it just makes me more self-conscious about social interaction. Ah mean, it's not that ah don't want to it. Just most of the time, ah feel outta place or have nothin' to contribute to a discussion.
If anything thought of social interaction now makes me anxious, if I do huv Asperger's. And most of my interaction is forced, anyway.
Ah feel it's just another thing to try and cope with, on top uh everything else.
And the fact my cerebal palsy will probably still get worse, even if I get the surgery next year. The corrective surgery is just to correct my posture, it's a cure. The positive is being able to walk a bit better. Ah probably still huv muscle spasms to deal with.
Some guy tried to attack me once while I was cutting school and I fought back and he left me alone, that is the extent of it for me but that was scary-wasn't expecting that ****ing ***** to do that to me when I saw him walking down the street towards me in a good neighborhood too, in broad frigging day light!
Whoa! That's messed up. But good on you for fighting back.
I was so lucky to have never been bullied in school. I often forget that. Being a girl it was easier to be a "shrinking violet" and no body would mess with you.
Yeah, but with me, I kinda felt my primary school had failed to do anything about it. Since I was already a target because of my disability, and being mixed race didn't help. Though, being mixed race does give ye a unique perspective on racism. And just how stupid it is.
But I won't get into the whole complex issue of cultural identity. Well, not at the moment.
It's good to write this stuff out. Maybe it will help someone else, too, get the courage to stand up to these sub-humans that roam our planet in too great a number.
Well, in my opinion, the advice to "just ignore or try and forget about it", when it comes to bullying, is just saying there's nothing you can do about it. Which sends the bullies the message that it's okay, when it's not. Which give the wrong message to the person being bullied. Though, ah got bullied for much of ma school years - had drop outta high school because of it. Well, it's wuz one of the reasons for it.
*I owe ya an email back btw
Take yer time with that... I was'nae in a great frame of mind when ah wrote that PM I sent ya, by the way. Some of the things I said, I didn't actually mean. So please, keep that in mind. Said more outta anger and frustration than anything else...
Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight!!!! I will be rooting for you!
:thumbup: Ah try ma best... Just wish ah was'nae plagued by self-esteem issues and self-doubt. Just sayin'... Didnae mean tae end on a bad note.
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