Right so... Tae recap, ah wuz tell youse aboot the night me and ma best friend at the time, Scott, got totally steamin' drunk at ma cousin weddin' reception.
Should ah jist carry on fae where ah left off? Aye, why no', eh?
So, ah've got ma pint, and ah'm jist braggin' aboot the fact ah just got serve at the bar tae Scott. Because earlier that night he said ah wouldnae git served.
Then, here's where the evening gits aw blurred-eyed and ma memories git a wee bit muddled...
Ah'm sittin' quietly enjoyin' ma second pint of the evening, Scott's still on his first, when these 2 blokes come up an' introduced themselves. This big, tough bloke wi' tattoos on baith arms, wearin' a red vest and denim trooser. And his pal who was lanky bloke with a mop-top hairdo and hooked nose. He's wearin' a light blue t-shirt similar tae the yin ah wuz wearin'. And if ah recall correctly, he wuz wearin' denim trooser anaw. Both, I'd guess, we're in their late 30s, early 40s.
Now, unfortunately - due tae a lack of brain cells, ah only remember the name of yin o' them. Davey - the tattooed bloke in the red vest, who wuz relate tae me somehow, but don't remember cuz uh the alcohol ah consumed that evenin'. But, anyway, me and Scott spent good few hours listenin' tae his stories and his daft jokes. Aw, we're huvin' a guid laugh...
Davey actually remind me of ma cousin Richard in many ways. Gift uh the gap, great storytellin' ability and a twisted sense uh humour. Anyway, efter we'd hud aboot aw we could take of Davey's hilarious jokes and stories, Davey challenged me or Scott to a game of pool. Not because we'd suddenly got bored of Davey's stories or jokes, it wuz jist tae give the laughter a wee break - though that didnae last long.
So, the stipulation of this pool game being that if either me or Scott accepted the challenge, and we lost, we'd huv tae buy Davey and his friend 2 rounds uh drinks and vice-versa. Scott accepted the challenge coz he wuz that kinda guy who liked a challenge and would dae anythin' fur a dare, especially if it meant gittin' a laugh.
Y'know how ah said the laughter only hud a wee break? Well, when Scott got up walk over tae the pool table and grab the cue, Davey says, half-jokingly:
"F**kin' hell... How aul' are you, twelve?" Ah start gigglin', Scott gits a wee bit defensive. Then he tells Davey he's fourteen.
Davey goes: "Fourteen? Aye, right. Ye look aboot twelve. And yer nearly the same height as that pool cue yer hawdin'."
Ah've lost it at this point, heid on table, desperately tryin' tae suppress a huge laugh...
Davey then goes tae me: "Graeme? How aul' is he, really?"
Ah regain ma composure tae answer the question. "He's fourteen, same age as me"
Davey and his mate, look at me fur a moment narrow-eyed, whisper tae each other then Davey says:
"Naw, naw... You're no' fourteen. Nae way" His mate adds that
"Ye look aboout eighteen". Ah say thanks fur the compliment but ah tell 'em ah'm really fourteen. We finally settle this debate by tellin' em the year we were both born.
So, Scott wins the pool game meanin' we git 2 pints each fur nuthin'.
Yesss! At this point mair hilarity ensues when Davey's pal asks us whit we want fae the bar:
"A pint", we both say simultaneously
"So that's yin pint and whit did you say ye wanted again?", Davey asks Scott
"A pint", Scott replies, with added emphasis
Davey friend then chips, askin' Scott if he wanted a can of Irn Bru instead. But Scott adamant on the pint
Then came the line ah still remember tae this day...
Davey friend then says, jokingly: "How no'? Ah thought you'd like Irn Bru because it matches yer hair colour?"
Ah cover ma mouth and start laughin' tae masel'. Davey looks at me then tae Scott and says:
"See, he got it" The in-joke being that Irn Bru is ginger. :bigsmile:
Scott does gan in the huff, but is slightly pissed off, tellin' Davey's pal tae f**k off. They go:
"Whoa! Easy, we'll git yer pint" And they go buy us our first round. Ah apologies tae Scott fur laughin', but that Irn Bru joke wuz very funny.
Davey and his mate bring me and Scott our first round uh drinks, and two fro themselves:
"There ye go lads. Git them doon yer necks"
"Cheers" :brindis:
By this point, I am wasted. And Davey informs me that there's group uh lassies aw starin' at me from the booth on the opposite side uh the room.
Ah go: "Eh...?!" Davey then repeats whit he jist said, leaning in and whisperin' in ma ear.
"Them lassies in the other booth opposite us are checkin' you oot. Gan talk tae them. Goan, away n' chat them up"
"But ah'm too pissed tae enagage in a conversation"
Then this blonde haired lassie walks over tae our booth. Ah greet her wi'
"Awright". She whispers in ma ear that her friend fancies me, and that she fancies me anaw, and walks back tae her booth. Davey smirks and says:
"Well... Goan. Yer in, she fancies ye"
We reccount what jist bin said tae me tae Scott. And Scott - self-confessed
"ladies man" - walk over tae these lassies and starts tryin' tae chat them up. Davey wonder why ah didnae stop 'em. And ah go:
"Jist watch, you'll git a guid laugh..."
So Scott walk over tae them, aw confident, sure of himself. If I recall correctly opening line was somethin' to the affect of:
"Awright ladies. Ah hear youse're wantin' a shag, fancy a threesome?"
The lassies start laughin'
at Scott. The one of them replies
"Pffft... Aye, right!", disgusted at the notion. But Scott was'nae givin' up, just makin' the lassies feel akward. That is until the blonde haired lassie who came over to me beforehand, spoke up and says, rather loudly:
"F**k off! We're rather shag yer pal" And throws the remainder her drink in Scott's face. Scott called her a "F**kin' bitch!" and walks away. A thrawn look on his face.
A big
"Way-hay!" cheer and laughter errupts at our side of the room. Davey shakes ma hand and goes:
"Congratulations, you've pulled!" To add to his humilation, as Scott makes his way to the booth we've bin occupyin' aw night, Davey's pal says:
"You are the Weakest Link..." And in unison with him, me and Davey go: