Obsessed with someone?


New member
I guess I'm cleverly obsessed with celebrities because you can get to know a lot about them, spend time 'with' them, and there's no chance of getting close to them so no chance of rejection either.
I've also been obsessed with a person that's not beyond my reach, but that's been a longlong time ago.
I kind of like obsessing though..


Well-known member
Yes, it has happened to me. And it's really insane, all the time thinking about someone, making up imaginary situations that will never happen... I feel so stupid then... but I just can't avoid it. I'm alone, and maybe because I wish for someone else so much, when I fall for someone I jst can't get him out of my head. It's impossible::(: Thank God it's not happening right now.


Well-known member
Ten years ago I went through this. I rarely think about that person now. That time led directly to the anxiety I am suffering from today.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with this person that used to work with me, i'm just obsessed with making her pay for what she did to me.

She made up a lie about me slandering people on facebook, I was grilled by my bosses, bullied by the people at work who thought I wrote about them and could have lost my job, all because some dumpy, middle aged all tart wanted to hurt me.

I can't go on any work outings anymore because she always invites her fat ass along, she's ruining my life.

I'm obsessed with seeing her suffer for once.


Well-known member
I definitely know how this feels. I also tend to get obsessed/develop massive crushes on people I have absolutely no chance with (for a variety of reasons). It's a weird yet exciting feeling. Sometimes I get obsessed with/crush on people who I haven't even talked to but see them on a regular basis. Sometimes I feel that they know that I like them, its like I give off this vibe that I have a crush on them. Probably just all in my head though...


Well-known member
I have learnt not to let this take me over like it used to, especially if i dont know the person and their friends or their general behaviour. Then again if i meet a girl and we are friendly and she sends signals then it's difficult not to let it get to my head a bit.

i recall one time when i ended up going bowling with her friends and they were all very close and cliquey, a couple of her boyfriends came along and they would all tease each other and were just on another social level that is hard to describe and is difficult to fall into even if you are friendly, it's that inetense. it just made me realise that crushes often cause more pain and only occasionally will it end up being a happy ending.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Obsessed with someone, yes. I've been obsessed with this girl for a while now. I feel like some sort of creepy weirdo but I think about her all the time. Even though it would probably never happen. I've also obsessed over celeb crushes before, like right now I'm pretty stuck on natalie portman when she had shaved hair.


Well-known member
I was obsessed with this guy named Spencer a while back it lasted for about a year and finally I was able to delete him off of facebook and stuff... I still think about him sometimes but mostly I just think of what an ass he was to me lol