Music fans?


Well-known member
I'm currently bored out of my mind so I was wondering what is your favorite genre of music? Do you play any instruments? What's your favorite band/artist?

My favorite genre is metal. I play drums, bass, guitar and do some vocals. My favorite band is Slipknot and have for years :)


Well-known member
Mostly Electronic music into Ambient and Industrial direction. Started with System Of A Down (basically Hard Rock, but very eccentric) and moved on from there to more experimental stuff. Great that you play in a band and so many instruments, I used to play some guitar but somehow haven't picked it up for years now.


Well-known member
Mostly Electronic music into Ambient and Industrial direction. Started with System Of A Down (basically Hard Rock, but very eccentric) and moved on from there to more experimental stuff. Great that you play in a band and so many instruments, I used to play some guitar but somehow haven't picked it up for years now.

I've only been in one band and it never lasted :/


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Used to into metal when I was a teenager. Now I lean more toward instrumental music. So I'd say Instrumental is my favourite genre.

Don't really have a favourite band as such, because I can't pick just one.

I play the guitar and mandolin.


Well-known member
I've played bass since I was 16. Some guitar too.
Been in various band, in school and after. Rarely with strangers though, as I tend to get notably anxious and such. Currently I'm in a band with a couple of good friends, which is great since then I have an excuse to meet them.

I listen to all kinds of stuff, although mostly stuff with real instruments in it and some kind of creativity. I guess the genre I listen to the most is funk in all of its variations.
These guys are really good, live too:


Well-known member
I'm actually in the middle of writing lyrics, I got kind of stuck so I'm taking a break. I have about 1200 songs of various genres under my belt, my favorite is metal, but rap is a lot of fun, then again, if you're writing your own music you can always do it the way you want to, your skill is your only limitation.


Well-known member
My taste in music shifts depending on how I'm feeling. Right now, I tend to listen to a whole of lot of trailer music like TSFH or electronic ambience. I also enjoy any good video game soundtracks.

I used to play piano and trumpet. People would be surprised when I told them I played trumpet because it was considered a loud instrument and I was a very quiet person.


Well-known member
I like loads of bands but I'm dying for Florence and the machine's new album at the minute.

What kind of man has been on repeat for days


Well-known member
My music taste is all over the place.
There's something to be enjoyed in damn near every genre! never understood how people can limit themselves to just one.

Favorite band always has and always will be The Misfits
Danzig era specifically
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Well-known member
My music taste is all over the place.
There's something to be enjoyed in damn near every genre! never understood how people can limit themselves to just one.

Favorite band always has and always will be The Misfits
Danzig era specifically

I get what your saying for me I mostly listen to metal but on occasion will listen to Johnny cash or Eminem. I also enjoy rock a lot.


Well-known member
Working my way through a Cecil Taylor CD set I just got.
Cecil Taylor was a pioneer avant garde jazz pianist in the 50s and 60s.
Also been listening to The Who a lot.


I'm currently bored out of my mind so I was wondering what is your favorite genre of music? Do you play any instruments? What's your favorite band/artist?

My favorite genre is metal. I play drums, bass, guitar and do some vocals. My favorite band is Slipknot and have for years :)

I like oldschool rap and R&B the most. But I usually listen to ANYTHING with a message of truth. Like Goldfinger's Behind The Mask about people who hate animal abuse/cruelty.


Well-known member
Listen to just about everything. Reggae is one of my go tos though. I love the band One Drop and Rebelution. I also love Theory of a Deadman.


Well-known member
I like different kinds of music. My tastes are eclectic. I love jazz, lounge, and alternative R&B. Overall, I probably listen to those genres more than anything else.

I play keys. Do I play them well? Eh...maybe, maybe not. What matters is that I enjoy playing lol