I was originally going to ignore this topic, but what with seeing it all the time on here and postings about some comments the CEO of Abercrombie + Fitch made recently, I've just been having all these thoughts fester in my head and feel the need to get them out, even if some people might not like them.
First of all, I am not attracted to men who are on the heavier side. There, I said it. Go ahead and torch me. (I'm sort of joking there.) I tend to be drawn more to the skinny guys or at least average weighted guys. I have even gone out on dates with bigger guys, and I still am not attracted to them. I know personality is important, but if you aren't at least SOMEWHAT physically attracted to someone, it means diddly squat (and vice versa).
In terms of long-term relationships and 'letting yourself go,' yes, we all gain AT LEAST a small amount of weight the older we get, and there's nothing wrong with that. I wouldn't hold a slight gain against my partner if I was in a long-term relationship. However, if he were to gain so much that he ended up looking like Billy Halleck pre-Gypsy curse from Thinner, well, you'd bet I would have a problem with that. I do tend to stand by the whole idea of 'if you can't picture yourself kissing someone, then you're not attracted to them.'
Regarding my own weight, I've gone through some fluctuations throughout my life, but I've never been overweight or really even considered 'fat.' As a kid, I was built a little bigger and had a bit of a belly compared to other kids (who I swear were being starved if you ask me). I had a lot of internalized insecurities about that and thought I was the second-fattest kid in school, right after the kids who were clearly obese or overweight. Over time, I shed some of the chub and started feeling better about myself physically, though the pudge in my lower stomach still remained. I've been (mostly) at an average weight for my height ever since.
Needless to say, being at an average, healthy weight (we're talking 130 lbs at 5'7" here) doesn't keep people from sticking their noses where they don't belong. I have relatives (many of whom used to be skinny twigs) who will point out that my stomach is not 100% flat/toned and tell me I need to lose weight. I have old friends who would be considered overweight tell me I'm too skinny and need to eat more.
Personally, I don't think I need to do either; I think I need to get off my lazy, depressed ass and just tone up. Though sometimes, when I feel down in the dumps (like I'm feeling right now), I end up letting comments like that get to me and I feel stuck.
/end vent