make up your own quote


Well-known member
"To choose to be wary of the world you live in is frivolous, for the duality will work both ways no matter what you choose."


Well-known member
Dreams should only appear while you are asleep not awake.

everything about cyberspace is not real, especially the glue on your chair
What I was- want to be- and can never be again. Only remember- wish- and try to my final breath...
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From my post in "cant talk to people"

• "Empty gaps in conversation are the devil's playground"

• "Don't talk with your mouth closed"
• "Talking is talking, and silence is silence, but talking ain't silence, and silence ain't talking"
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Well-known member
To fear the unknown is to hinder the positive,
lest the outcome be excruciating that could have otherwise been brighter.