make up your own quote

''Free spirits will soar regardless of whether they were blessed with wings- for they find elevation and enlightenment not in the unreachable infinity of the sky, but within their own curiosity and knowledge.''


not actually Fiona Apple
"Once ignorance stops being blissful, educate yourself. It's no longer serving it's purpose"


Well-known member
Here's one I find myself using a lot when I see pretentious films or hear pretentious lyrics...

"Don't try to be intelligent; If you are intelligent, you don't need to try, if you're not then you just prove your own stupidity."


Well-known member
''Free spirits will soar regardless of whether they were blessed with wings- for they find elevation and enlightenment not in the unreachable infinity of the sky, but within their own curiosity and knowledge.''

''You haven't experienced difficulty until you've tried to beat a dead stick with a horse.''

You heard me.

I love both of these! The first one is beautiful! The second made me laugh.