Well I'm a lonely female with no male companion and it's just as bad for me. Whenever I hear another female brag about their boyfriends I felt like going over and bust their lip just to shut them up! One thing I can't stand is Btchs bragging about their bfs
do you know how you sound ?
bitter , twisted , jealous , unreasonable and nasty ,
I am 100% sure your not any of those things , so please don't take to much offense , however if your going to deliver it then I hope you can accept it back.
It must be the most hopeless , frustrating , lonely , torturous life having love to give and no one to share the dream with . Its not all chocolate box romance by the way , incase your thinking we all skip off into the sunset holding hands ! However I do hear your plight.
This girls you talk about who are btchs ..why ? why are they ? It's the normal to talk about your b/friend , honestly , give yourself a break from resenting these women . their b/friends are maybe their future, their plans and dreams and its acceptable, normal and understandable for them to be prattling on about it !
But to give out so much bad feeling and anger means your feeling that way inside , and that's a really dark hole to be in , they are just girls getting on with it .... you have to not waste your own head space and feelings on so much resentment born out of hurt , anger and frustration on your part.
I hope you are ok