It happened again! Facial Grimace


Well-known member
I'm not sure, man. Being aware of the problem means you have tools to stop it happening.

The traffic light problem is not unique. You can't move and you can't get away until the light turns green. I don't like it, either, if someone is staring at me from an adjacent car.


Well-known member
I also have...ticks in certain situations. Do something else to mask it. You know it'll happen, so maybe cover your face with your hand or look down or laugh after?

I've learned to mask my ticks in certain ways as to not look like a weird ass in public.


Well-known member
Hi, sorry to hear you are suffering, I too hsd a tick, every time my parents used to take me to chirch I coulnt sit still and kept twitching, the way I stopped it is years of meditation, why this is happening is your subconsciously in a state of panic for a split scond in this case when you notice a pritty girl your mind panics to a point where it for a splic second looses control of your face. Try sitting in a completey dark room and imagine you are in the pfesents of a girl learn to be calm all the time in the presents of the girl it may help. Good luck


Scowl & Frown
is what I receive
It's immature judgement
Main social behaviour :idontknow:

OK so far
but it means either :thumbdown: :applause: :giggle:
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Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your responses. I need to somehow rewire my brain. Masking my expression is a good idea. Also, sitting in a room in the dark and performing mental exercises might help as well.


Well-known member
I have a blinking problem...especially when I get nervous. If I see a cute guy in the bus or the subway then I get nervous and I start blinking rapidly and I can't control it. I look like a freak, but there's nothing I can do other than focus on something else or if I have a book in hand I try to block out everything.If you know how to prevent it or ..if there's anything you can do to lessen it then it might be a start.


Well-known member

I refer you to the thread 'Default Overactive peripheral vision has made me miserable'
Equanimity and noting would be useful to you.

good luck....


Well-known member
I'm sorry but that post cracked me up! I do feel for you, and I have my own crosses to bear believe me but pure comedy LOL, reminded me of Peep Show or something.


Well-known member
I'm getting better. How?? that is the topic for another thread. I have a lot to report! Lately, I have been looking around more confidently. I use to keep my eyes glued to the floor where ever I went or I would walk around like a bobble head, dodging people's glances, fearful of making eye contact. Lately, I have been making a lot of it!!!! (For, another thread).

So, today, in my periphery vision, I saw a beautiful girl. I new instantly that she was my type. So, with this new found confidence, I looked up at her. We made eye contact, and a chill went down my body. I must have turned white like I saw a ghost. I quickly turned my head as if I was looking at something else. BUT, I did not grimace!!!
AND, while my shopping in the store, I sucked up the courage to try to make eye contact with her again. We ended up in the same check out line.......she was a couple people behind me!! I looked over at her but she was looking down. But hey, I tried!

It's not like I never approached women before. I have and successfully. But, I have this strange tic that happens when I'm super nervous and see a beautiful woman unexpectedly (no time to prepare)...Anyway, I'm making progress. :)


Well-known member
Imnotmyillness, I am glad you are making progress! It takes a lot to hold your head high in confidence, and I am happy for you :)

Though I don't have tics, (not that I've noticed) but I do walk around with a scowl and look angry all the time, I don't mean to and it is not when I am depressed or sad, it's just the way my face is, my mouth naturally turns down at the corners so it looks like I am frowning. I've been self conscious of it as far too many people have come up to me to say, be happy, smile, don't worry, are you sad, ... etc. and so some silly trick I do is to chew gum .... I don't much prefer gum as my jaws get tired and I think it is a bit rude at times when talking ... but it does help me for whatever reason.

Good luck and keep us posted :)


Well-known member
Imnotmyillness, I am glad you are making progress! It takes a lot to hold your head high in confidence, and I am happy for you :)

Though I don't have tics, (not that I've noticed) but I do walk around with a scowl and look angry all the time, I don't mean to and it is not when I am depressed or sad, it's just the way my face is, my mouth naturally turns down at the corners so it looks like I am frowning. I've been self conscious of it as far too many people have come up to me to say, be happy, smile, don't worry, are you sad, ... etc. and so some silly trick I do is to chew gum .... I don't much prefer gum as my jaws get tired and I think it is a bit rude at times when talking ... but it does help me for whatever reason.

Good luck and keep us posted :)

Thanks Cowboyup! And, thanks to everyone that commented. :)


Well-known member
I wish I Could keep a funny thought in my head when you are about to laugh you have every thing you need to approach you have a smile your shining with confidents and positively. You have everything but the words you are suppost to say to her.


Well-known member
I do this too. Whenever I catch myself looking at an attractive guy or girl, I look away after 2-4 seconds to avoid looking like a perv. I also don't want to come off as staring.