im in a mental hospital.. for 2 days now..

hi guys,

im in a mental hospital since 2 days now, and its very hard.
but i really wanna work on my problems.
although my trust in help isnt really strong.
but i want to give it a chance.

I'd love to find penpalls who want to write with me who got social anxiety aswell. hope somebody is intrested.. :) Cuz you people are great!!
we can write about many things :), i thought it would be a fun idea

You can post your letter to:
centrum karakter
vluchtheuvellaan 6
postbus 104 zetten

(my name's Saskia B.)

I cant computer alot . and i miss this board so much.. but i will get stronger out of this and then i can chat with you guys again and help you also cuz i got help :)

i will keep ya update what i learn here.. ^^



Well-known member
I'm sorry but glad at the same time that you are in there. At least you are in relatively safe hands and in the care of experts who could give you a proper diagnosis and you now have ready access to therapists and psychiatrists to whom you could offload all the worries in your head. Sometimes just talking to someone can help a lot.

Keep us updated!
You and I talked a little about my similar situation. My recent experience increases my desire to help you, if I'm able to. If you need to, use my survival as an example of how you can persevere or keep afloat. Hearing about your story gives me a new perspective towards my situation, because now someone who I care about is hospitalized and I'm on the outside looking in. I hate this feeling, but I'm pleased to know that you're getting the care that is needed. Above all, my respect for you is even greater and I hope you're able to regain what has been lost. You'll be in my thoughts, from one patient to another.

P.S. Yeah, the food is terrible.


im sure i speak on behalf of everyone on these forums. get well soon saskia :)

we need you back here and also we need your great videos that you make. they always make people smile :))