It's difficult to say. On the one hand, an extrovert can keep a conversation alive. I like talking to them for that reason. There aren't as many awkward silences, and they're easier to get out of.
On the other hand, I don't feel that someone with SA would think me boring, and the awkward silences would, in a sense, be less awkward, since they would be feeling the same discomfort as I am, and, like me, they are not judging the other person for being so quiet, but trying to think of some way to get the conversation going.
Then, of course, there's the connection. A conversation with an extrovert might keep going, but I'd have less in common with them. Aside from our interpersonal skills, there's a much lower chance that they will be geeky, or be willing to indulge the fact that I am (my partner is an extrovert, and she will have none of it).
So, I would say that I would be more anxious, but I think I would prefer the encounter. I generally feel that people who are socially awkward would make better friends for me.
Also, if I met myself, I would totally be my friend. I wouldn't mind when I get nervous and start babbling about something geeky.