If you had never encountered judgmental people would you still have social anxiety?


Well-known member
If you had never encountered judgmental people in your life would you still have social anxiety? I have a very judgmental family and I avoid family gatherings 95% of the time. Also throughout school there was a lot of judgmental people too who often poke fun at others who aren't cool etc. I feel self conscious because of them being judgmental which in turn causes my social anxiety. Did you guys develop social anxiety because of this also?


Well-known member
Oh man yes...judgemental people made me scared to be myself...sometimes I come out of my shell. Usually when I'm drunk...


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Ya maybe unshy people are unshy or outgoing because they were brought up in a non judgmental environment and was never or hardly judged in a negative way.
I think it can cause it. For me people just made mine worse. My family was very nonjudgmental and accepting of me as a child. Also in school the kids liked me, but I always felt inadequate. I guess it turned into the saying " you tell people how to treat you"


Well-known member
As i don't have SA but have agoraphobia i shall say that if i didnt encounter my judgemental abusive ex boyfriend, i probably wouldn't have developed it.


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Nah, even the nice friendly people tend to scare me off when I can't seem to properly respond to them. I almost feel bad for disappointing them with a lack of discourse. I don't give a **** about *******s... it's the people who seem to be well-meaning that I feel bad about.


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yes, what you said is correct. if your parents ridicule you and don't provide you with a solid emotional refuge... SA. it's like if you can't fall back on them for emotional support who can you trust? no one.


Well-known member
Judgmental people are sick people... They live in denial... I used to be taken by what people do or think cuz i didnt have any confidence or trust in myself... I used to pretend and listen as if everything was wrong in my life... Thank God this behavior didn't put me in some really bad situations..


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I'm judgemental to a certain extent, myself. I find that I may not judge people for the same reasons as others do, but I still judge. The most I can do is try not to judge when I don't know another's situation or at least correct myself when I judge someone unfairly.

Many factors have contributed to my developing SA. Other people's negative judgements have had their role to play.
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getting made fun of and outcasted and beat up a lot growing up didn't really help me become a normal member of society. I have to say though that for the most part though, I'm pretty okay.
Everyone judges... Just a matter of what is the criteria you judge with... Some may be sensible (e.g. You shouldn't do drugs, it may literally kill you) or others may not be so sensible.. (e.g. You have to get perfect grades, get a high paying job... or else you're not fit to be our child... etc)...


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Yes, I think I would be 100% confident and joyful if I hadn't come across these awful people. In fact, I can remember vividly every negative judgement that someone passed on me (discounting the times I was politely told about some of my flaws by good people).

I owe my very low self esteem and depression to all the judgmental people out there.


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I'd still have some residual shyness, I'm sure, but I wouldn't have the fear/rage/disgust/apprehension/intense dislike/panic about social situations without the trauma of middle school and early high school. It's taken a while to even fight back against that and to make some strides.


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yeh i think if i lived with people had a healthy balance of positive energy and cynical energy i'd probably be alot less anxious and self conscious. but certain role models decided they would only be cynical, use guilt, look at the worst scenario, etc and because i used to be really impressionable and easily conditioned it was not the influence i should have had. also high school was a bit of a nightmare looking back, so that all was quite damaging to my self confidence i think.


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Yeah I think that judgmental people are pathetic, low lives who can't take the blame for hating themselves. It's sad when you have to push someone down because you can't stand to be the only one suffering. I never got people like that, how their minds worked? helping people makes me happy, and if the bully looked at the bigger picture he would come to realize that to, bulling someone hurts the victim but it also eats at the bullies soul.


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i think the quality of people i met and the experiences i faced played a major role in strengthening my SA... But i have the choice to move ahead and change..