If you had a chance to live anywhere in the world ...


Right here:

that looks really great i reckon:)


Well-known member
Definitely Ireland or Scotland! It looks so, so nice and I've always been interested in going there because it's my ancestry!


Well-known member
i would love to live in japan for a number of years , somewhere beautiful and scenic outside of the cities . would love to devote myself to martial arts and the samurai/warrior style of life for a while .

would also like to livein canada and ny for a while too :)


I want to live in a nice house on a beach in the Grand Cayman Islands, cause its a 1st world country away from the rest of the world and I love beach houses.


Well-known member
I'm quite content where I am in BC.

But, I also wouldn't mind living here:

or here:

Or basically any nice English house/cottage in a forest surrounded by bluebells! :D


Well-known member
Barcelona Spain I really like that place. Or Venice, or Canary Islands. Israel. I like places that are hot all time. Its really depressing here in Latvia, where there are long winter and short but hot summer. Winter and Autumn really gets me down.


Well-known member
New Zealand. I haven't been there yet... So I could change my mind.


But Australia is alright... I'm lucky to be here. The only thing I don't like is our reputation.


Well-known member
First, New York City for about two years. Then retire to Ireland or Scotland. Not the parts that are cold all year though, I have to have seasons.


Well-known member
Norway... in order to get back to my viking roots: raping, pillaging and living the murderously merry life!


um things have changed a little since then mate :rolleyes: you will go to prison if you start raping and pillaging :eek:::p:


Well-known member
Southern California... Somewhere right near the Ocean (like Newport Beach). If not there then I would live either in Hanoi, Vietnam... or the East side of Japan. Or maybe Cambodia or Korea... somewhere with good food...

The Wedge at Newport Beach, My home away from home.. God I miss it...........

The Wedge Newport Beach


Well-known member
Canada. cause i love the place the scenery is amazing and Canadian people are almost as nice as irish people:D



Same here! I'm always being made fun of because I'd like to live in Canada. Ugh, ignorant Americans.

Of course, there's also England, Ireland, and other European places. My dream is to live in a nice, warm cabin in the mountains. So peaceful and quiet.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
If I was a billionaire and could live wherever, I'd buy one of those big, abandoned oil derek things that are out in the middle of the ocean and have all the drilling equipment removed. Then I'd have a huge apartment built on top of it with all the modern amenities.

I'd probably live out there 350 days a year and be as happy as anyone has ever been.


Well-known member
If I was a billionaire and could live wherever, I'd buy one of those big, abandoned oil derek things that are out in the middle of the ocean and have all the drilling equipment removed. Then I'd have a huge apartment built on top of it with all the modern amenities.

I'd probably live out there 350 days a year and be as happy as anyone has ever been.

I would be afraid of pirate attacks.