If You Dropped Dead Today or Died In Your Sleep


Well-known member
How long do you think it would take before someone realized you had died? I guess for those who live with parents, it would be pretty soon but for those who live independently, it would be more of a challenge.


Well-known member
on a night where I work the next day, probably about 36 hours. I live with my friend so he'd be like: "why aren't you going to work?" and then would probably beat my door down cause I need to work to make money to pay rent.

now if it were a night where I had the next couple of days off... that's a different story, could be a whole 2 to 3 days xD


Well-known member
Maybe a week or so, when the people at work notice I am not there. It probably wouldn't be out of concern for my well being, probably just checking up on me, taking a sickie or something. My sister hasn't spoken to me for about 6 weeks. My neighbours might be the first to pick up the smell.


Well-known member
Only because I still live at home.
School would assume I dropped out along with the people I have met there. The rate my coworkers have been talking about me at work, they'd pounce on the chance to make sure the boss knew every bad thing about me and assure there wouldn't be a checkup call of any sorts.


Super Moderator
Probably soon. I log in everyday, I wander around the house all the time. They would find it strange if they didn't find me around soon.


Well-known member
In less than 1-2 days. I live with my parents and interact with them frequently. But if I lived alone out of state or in another city, maybe 1-2 months. Bills would go unpaid so the apartment manager might come knocking/pry open my door and discover my dead body. Or my parents might come for a visit but not able to contact me so they call the apartment manager to pry open my door. Whichever one comes first.


Well-known member
Depends on where I die I guess. If I died in my room it would take 3-4 days since I'm a hermit of sorts. If I died on the toilet I'd be found before the body was cold.


Well-known member
Probably within the day, since l live at home.

On a total irrelevant note, if that happened, it probably won't be a tragedy, I have nothing to live for.
I think two days.

My bed is high up and you can't actually see me when I'm in it, and I have frequent migraines and don't respond to questions when it's happening.

So enough time has to go by for people to get concerned and physically check.

I wouldn't want to go that way. They'd have to painstakingly carry my remains out of the bed, which is probably stiff and cold by now. No, if I have to die, I wouldn't want people to have a lingering assumption that I'm still alive.


Well-known member
My sister lived next door to an apartment where a woman died in her bed. My sister had no idea til a couple of days later when the lady's friends came banging on her door. They asked my sister to go in the apartment and look because they were too scared to do it themselves. So I guess even if you have friends, it still takes a couple of days..


Well-known member
So, last weekend my neighbor who lives across from me died. It made me think of this thread because although he has adult children and they all seem close (they visit often), nobody knew he had died for a few days. The only thing that tipped anybody off is my other neighbor knocked on his door and didn't get an answer. She alertly called his daughter who came and I guess found that he had passed away already. I was really sad about it because he seemed like a nice person, always said hello and talked to me for a little while as we were passing each other or on the elevator together.