If everyone could hear what you thought...

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Some would go mad, others would kneel from the sheer rage, bitterness, and agony. All would be in awe, some would be fearful. If I could unleash the depths of my mind upon people, it would be the true definition of hell on Earth. Yet, others still would be surprised and some would not be so surprised at all.


I'm much more interested in knowing other's thoughts.

But to answer the question they'd probably be like "WTF?!" because I'm always thinking about anxiety instead of whatever I probably should be thinking about at work or wherever.
everyone would be shocked, that's for sure.
I just have a mind full of weird thoughts.
I'm glad people can't hear them.
I can't even control my thoughts.
They keep comin'


Well-known member
I'd probably get punched in the face. Though wouldn't we all? ;) Hopefully I'm not the only a*shole who thinks bad things about people from time to time lol. I mean even if I love the person to death, there's still those thoughts that'd hurt their feelings.

But other than that I don't think I have particularly disturbing thoughts. Though maybe my inner vulgarity might turn a few heads.


Well-known member
What is the difference between me and a murderer? One has acted on ones thoughts and the other hasn't. At the heart of us, humans, we are terribly corrupt.


Honestly? I think people would just feel pity if they heard my thoughts, or laugh at me.


Well-known member
I have nothing but positive things to say at this point in my life. Didn't think I'd get to this point after so many struggles. But you must believe in yourself.


Well-known member
errr i dont really know to be honest , but if i walked past a well built up top girl and she could read my thoughts , im probably get a slap round the face ;) its a man thing :cool: