If everyone could hear what you thought...

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
they'd hear please dont put me on hold, ah! really id be safe though, i think in images and words, without the images the words wouldnt make sense, probably thats true for alot of people


Well-known member
I think people would be shocked at what i thought, i can come across as kind of confident sometimes but in my head i'm doubting everything i say, i think people think i'm stupid and ugly! all sorts of nonsense goes on in my head!


I think people would be shocked of my thoughts, I come across as confident (kinda) but inside its a whole different story.
People always think Im too nice or naive etc, they would be surprised at the depth of thought and the painful/dark thoughts that swirl in my head. They probably would wonder how the hell I get out of bed everyday and make it through the day seemingly normal.