I get really jealous of couples


Well-known member
So I go jogging a lot, usually through a park then by the river, and all along that path, their are always couples strolling along, holding hands, sometimes kissing.

A while back, I didn't used to mind that, but it's been weighing very heavily on me lately...like one time I just stopped running and almost fell on me knees in depression.

I've been going on jogs like this for YEARS now, hoping someday to be like some of these people...happy, in love, LOVED! And yet...

I don't know...it's just getting really hard on me these days. Everytime I see a couple having fun I get angry at myself. I know being single isn't WRONG or anything, but I feel so left out, it hurts...even though I keep telling myself: someone will come. I don't know how long I can keep convincing myself of that farce...

p i a n o♬

Well-known member
Yeah, I know how you feel. I get jealous seeing people with boyfriends, a couple in love.. Not so much that I want the certain guy they have, I just want to be loved. By someone, anyone -- just make sure it's not all a lie. ::eek::


Well-known member
from age 14 or so to 21 i was pretty much in a relationship with someone.. the longest i was single between those years was about six months or so. it's been over a year now since my last boyfriend and i broke up and i'm just now starting to want a relationship again... but only a little... it's nice to love and be loved, but i'm just trying to enjoy my time.. a lot of my friends are in relationships and they want to do 'single things' and it makes me enjoy being single :) ha... i have a lot of guy friends, and a few 'friends with benefits', so i guess that's how i fill my void for the moment, lol..


Well-known member
Your not alone there, I tell ya. I don't jog but whenever I go shopping I see it all the time.. I'd just use an mp3 player to distract myself from getting to depressed by it.
a few 'friends with benefits'

man those are some lucky guys.

On topic, yes. It does hurt. It puts a heavy weight on the heart.
I also feel you piano.
Just to be loved in return. Would be nice.
I mean I can't even watch a good romantic flick without shedding a tear. That sinking feeling. When all you want is what they have.
I'm not so much jealous though. I'm very happy for them. I just wish I could be in their shoes.


Well-known member
Oh, and another thing...I HATE ROMANCE MOVIES! (even when I was in a relationship)


Well-known member
Don't be. Relationships are boring. I don't know whether it's because I've only had long-term relationships as opposed to meaningless fun and one night stands, but I've come to view them as horribly dull. You go through the same feelings and emotions with different people; the faces change but the experiences are similar. At this point in life I feel like I'd give anything for something with no strings attached as I've only ever had the opposite. It's probably my own fault though, I think I'm too serious. It likely sets off the "husband-material" alarm in women's minds. Or something. ::p:
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Well-known member
Don't get jealous. Having someone and answering to someone gets old too. The grass always seems greener. Only thing I miss is sex and cuddling. The other stuff not so much. Do not fool yourself. Enjoy your independence.


Well-known member
i see your 21 dude i was 21 when i got my first gf .... dont give up mate , but yea i know how you feel cos i used to feel the same .......


I get really jealous too. When I go to the movies I avoid going after dark and on the weekends because I know that's when all the couples are there which gets me down and I usually leave feeling like crap. I loathe romance movies and Valentines day too. But you're right, it does feel like there's a huge world wide party going on and we didn't get invited. People may say it's no big deal, but if that's the case why do they keep getting involved? And don't even get me started on when people invite you out as the third wheel. Even now my friends question why I never went to our prom with them. I was the only one without a date, that's one painful memory I could do without thanks.


Well-known member
I never went to any school dances. Videogames were my life, and now the internet is. Lol


Well-known member
This didn't use to be a problem for me, I worried very little about having a romantic relationship, so when I saw a couple in the street kissing or holding hands, I just thought: "they look happy, ¡good for them!", but this changed a few months ago, because I met someone at work and think I fell in love with her; so now I hate to admit that whenever I see a couple, I can't help but picture me with her in that situation, even when I'm watching tv, if there's a romantic scene I quickly change the channel with a disgusted grunt; it's like psychological torture because I feel so jelous.


Well-known member
I used to get angry at and jealous of couples, but now I just get a melancholic "must be nice" feeling. But I never put myself out enough to find someone to be with, so I just try my best to be happy by myself.

I contemplated going to my senior prom with a blow up doll in a dress. Thought about treating it like a real prom date, at least as far as dancing, talking, and just having a good time. I eventually decided against it because it would have been a waste of money and since I had few friends anyway I didn't want people to think I was actually crazy.

And Valentine's Day just reminds me of "The Dream is Dead" by Type O Negative. It's not on YouTube, so I can't link to it. But one can read the lyrics here if one is inclined.

But if I ever find a woman whom I'm happy with, you can bet your rear end that I'll let the world see us. ;)


Well-known member
I also get really jealous of couples. I wish I could get a girlfriend, but I guess it's my own fault that I don't have one. I don't understand how people can form relationships so easily. For instance, my brother, all he does is watch TV and he gets any girl he wants.


Well-known member
I get jealous alot of times but not always..but wut really bothers me is when sum very nice nd smart lookin gal, who also makes alot of sense when she talks, is wit a guy who is a total loser!!! Tht just pisses me off sooo much...


Well-known member
What I do in this circumstance, and particularly when I see families with young kids, is put myself in their shoes and fantasize what it is like. Feel the young childs love for you, feel the bliss of knowing that in that moment everything is working out perfectly. It may be only in your head, but you trick yourself into believing that it is real, and feel all the positive emotions that come with that. You may not find it easy to fantasize like this at first, but eventually, with enough practise, it will become quite easy to do, and you will reap the rewards.


Well-known member
Yeah, it makes me sad sometimes. I was out camping this weekend and I saw so many couples just out walking and holding hands. It's kinda nice to see people happy but it gets depressing too. I want to be doing the same thing, but instead I can only dream and hide how much it hurts to be lonely.