In what way is she saying you're paradoxical? Give an example?
It's all in small things. For example, I'm saying that I like to tease friends. She remembers this, and brings it back up when some guy teases me and I call him an annoying bastard, as a joke.
She then replied: you hypocrite, you do it yourself too. And it's not only once, or in a friendly tone, sometimes she would even get irritated about it. What have I done to deserve this? It's not like I lie when I say stuff, I'm constantly different, and when I name a scenario, it does not apply to me all the time.
According to her, that's paradoxal.
You love her and that's why the little things are bugging you about her, because now that you have these feelings for her every little thing she does has more of an importance to you.
It sounds like you both get irritated with each other slightly. Imagine if you ended up losing her as a friend.
If I were you I'd just bite the bullet and tell her your feelings, because otherwise you could end up falling out permanently. At least if, in the worst scenario, she tells you she doesn't feel the same way back at least you will have provided her with an understanding on why you act the way you do.
Just do it - you started this thread a while ago so maybe now its time you find a proactive resolution to the problem. Otherwise it will just continue like this for longer and longer and you'll get more worn in as a result.
I know these things are hard to do, particularly for us with SA, but its the only way you'll get an answer to the question.
I wanted to ask her out after the examinations. We're really busy with our projects at the uni. I'm just scared that I chicken out when it really is time. And I don't know any excuses to ask her out. Also, does she even want to go out? Lately, I don't feel confident about our relation anymore. Also, I want to thank you that you're so concerned with this matter, even to a stranger like me. I don't want to waste your time, even though you gave me advice. I'll try to overcome my fear.
To everyone: thanks for the support. I know what my problem is, I've already known for the longest time. I'm just a chicken when it comes to love. I've never dated anyone before, and I feel really inferiour. I have a feeling that she doesn't want to get stuck with someone like me, because there are a lot of fun guys out there who would do fun things with her and make her feel good. I'm scared that I'm boring, I don't like to go out and party. Then I get depressed thinking why she would like someone like me...