I'm 5 ft 11, well I was the last time I measured myself anyway. I might be 6 ft now! Guys have always made insulting comments about my height so I don't feel very attractive, but other people say they wish they were tall like me :]
First post, woo!
Supermodels from the catwalk are 5'10+ it's very elegant and graceful height. Plus if you put on weight, it never shows!

I used to be 5"10.5/5"11 but I shrank an inch...prob more by now...thats a whole other story but anyway.. . I'm still taller than my shorty bf though and I don't mind at all I feel like a supermodel on his arm
Any guys who make insulting comments about your height are just insecure. They feel intimidated by a tall beauty, give them a few years I'm sure you'll have them on their knees. That's what usually happens. When I was in highschool I stood out like a sore thumb! And they all made fun of me, pretended to like me, cat called after me but it was all done mockingly. They gave me a hard time and made fun of me because I was so much taller than them. Theyd follow me through the hallways laughing and saying ' oh y'know x really likes you bla bla bla and theyd all be howling laughing, x was about a foot shorter than me and x would laugh too and say ' No I don't!!! Look at her she's bigger than teh tallest guy I know who'd touch that?' or I'd be walking through the grounds on my way in and one of them would whistle and everybody would start laughing they were such $%^& and they all stood surrounding me in groups of boys just laughing at me...feck it I had the last laugh.
but anyway, I left school bout 8 years ago. And I have bumped into a lot of these guys in pubs and nighclubs (not recently for obvious reasons haha

but in the last couple years) and I have had the opportunity of turning them down one by one and walking away to the sound of their friends laughing at them taunting 'why would
you think you had a chance with
her ? She's way out of your league!! And yea I wasn't trying to be mean to them I just wouldn't go near them knowing how they used to make me feel. So don't worry the tables turn
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