Well-known member
^ Agreed18..really not all it's cracked up to be :l
20 - 3 = ...
I know 5? lol
I was never any good at maths.
Hmm... Let me guess 20 - 3=20 + 3 - 6
Haha same here. I'm surprised I managed to solve Srijita's equation, which is 17, in less than 30 seconds! YAY ME~! ::
And I'm still barely getting my permit. ...
^ I'm 18 and I only have my permit. I've had it a year and I still haven't even had much practice. Driving and SA don't mix well for me. :SDamn I don't even know how to drive yet and I'm turning 18 soon >.<
^ I'm 18 and I only have my permit. I've had it a year and I still haven't even had much practice. Driving and SA don't mix well for me. :S
Listen to the man... or lemur ::I was 18 when I got my permit and license. Don't feel bad. I was same way AND trust me the more you drive the better you'll get and relax tons! It'll be like nothing eventually like it is now for moi.