How long does it take you to get out of bed?


Well-known member
I mean, after waking up. I noticed that, unless I really have to go somewhere, I never get up sooner than 1 hour. I don't know if it's because I'm the laziest person on the planet or because I have to analyze everything that has the potential to be analyzed :confused:


Well-known member
This is a good topic I think :)

I find morning the hardest time. I don't know why but its easily my lowest point of the day. I sleep late, take a while to wake up, want to stay under the covers and then ultimately feel bad for staying in bed.


Well-known member
Seconds, usually. If I stay in my bed too long, I don't have enough energy to do productive things during the day. Though, there are times I wake up around 4 or 5 am, then I tend to fall asleep again, unless I start thinking, which then keeps me awake for good.


Well-known member
Usually hit the snooze a few times but I think you'll feel better if you get straight up
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Same as you Weirdo. I finished my studies and I got no job, I became very lazy and not motivated. Today was raining all day and night so I didn't wanted to wake up, it was so comfortable in bed :) It took maybe an hour to get up. In other days I get up quicker. But sometimes if I need I can get up in less than one minute, no matter what the conditions are. Maybe I'm depressed? My mood changes a lot. Sometimes I'm productive, sometimes I'm not...


Well-known member
General already awake before my alarm even goes off which is early most the time.


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When i was working i would hit the snooze button maybe 2 times before finding the will to get out of bed.

Now i rarely get up sooner than 10 am.


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On college days I usually get up when my alarm goes off at 7.30am, perhaps hitting the snooze button once, on a bad day.

When I have a day off it's fairly random. I think I usually get out of bed around 9.30am, but I often wake up at least an hour before that, initially, and just go back to sleep.

When I was depressed, I would rarely get out of bed before midday, and often as late as 2 or 3pm. I'm glad those days are behind me.


Well-known member
I mean, after waking up. I noticed that, unless I really have to go somewhere, I never get up sooner than 1 hour. I don't know if it's because I'm the laziest person on the planet or because I have to analyze everything that has the potential to be analyzed :confused:

I used to be like this...but now my two dogs are like "oh you're up!! Let me lick you to death!" Haha. :D


alarm clocks and snooze buttons!! what are these strange things?

i usually go to bed around 6am and then get up around 6pm, unless theres football on the telly, in which case i would just stay awake until after the football then go to bed and then wake up in the middle of the night, unconvined of what day it is or if its AM or PM.
I have problems with getting up in the morning. When I am done with my studies I hope
I can master this so that I can keep a 9 to 5 job.
I wish many times that I had things to look forward to and I got out of bed (on time) looking forward to the day ahead. This would probably motivate me in the first place
to keep my wake up time.


Well-known member
I get up at 7 AM on weekdays, so I just stay in bed until then. I've never needed an alarm ever. I just wake up early and get up when I have to. I do wake up early quite regularly and churn thoughts over in my mind for hours on end.


Well-known member
I am not a morning person! I have a tough time getting up. Then, during about the first hour after getting up, I am still groggy. Stretching when you first wake up helps a little bit. Make yourself slightly uncomfortable, for example, by sticking your feet outside of the covers. Still not easy! I even read in Reader's Digest I think that morning is the most dangerous time for people and getting up too fast is a common cause of heart attacks, (but I think that's in older people.)


I only get out of bed when I'm complete sick of sleeping so once that moment hits I just crawl out and fumble around blindly and do whatever things I do when I wake up.


Well-known member
At weekends and holidays i can lie in for hours,i dont hav anything bttr to do.i hate getting up arly for school.Somtimes i set my alarm for 5 in the morning on schooldays so i can fall back that weird?lol..


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I usually get out of bed right away, unless it's just one of those days where I'm super tired and just want to go back to sleep.


Well-known member
But how can you do it so easily? My bed is so comfortable and warm I wish I never had to leave it :D Should I try sleeping on wooden planks? lol