How are you in Relationships?


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Distant. Well to the one person I have ever dated so I don't know how I will be in another relationship.


Well-known member
I've actually never had a relationship, and I'm really okay with that. It would interfere with my alone time. I need a lot of that. Lol.


Well-known member
I'm not in any. I don't relate all that in superficial relationships at work. So I am sure deeper relationships would be a problem for me.


Well-known member
For me it would be:
1.) My own insecurities, feeling as if I am not good enough, smart enough, or financially secure enough for someone.
2.) Distrust, I would find it difficult to trust that someone would not cheat on me.
3.) Clingy, I have very few friends, and fewer that I actually get to spend time with, someone interested in me would have to put up with my desire to include them in my hobbies, from gaming to recording music.
4.) I also have little tolerance for things like smoking and drinking. It would be easy to find a non smoker, but a non drinker is noticeably more difficult, especially so if you dont have an interest in highly religious people, and those people may still drink.


New member
Trust is my only issue, Not jealous or clingy, enjoy kickn it,chilling and being like mates..
But knowing that we are more and care for each other even after our relationship may end..


Well-known member
I'm a bit clingy and I love lots of affection and closeness. Also have my occasional moments where I like to be alone too, I can get annoyed easily when I'm in a certain mood. It's probably not healthy but when I'm with someone he's my best friend in the world and I want to do/share everything with him. I try not to let other friends fall by the wayside, but I make him the most important person in my life. I also have bouts of paranoia where I feel like I'm not good enough for him and that he's going to want to leave me at some point. Insecurity I guess.


Well-known member
I'm a bit clingy and I love lots of affection and closeness. Also have my occasional moments where I like to be alone too, I can get annoyed easily when I'm in a certain mood. It's probably not healthy but when I'm with someone he's my best friend in the world and I want to do/share everything with him. I try not to let other friends fall by the wayside, but I make him the most important person in my life. I also have bouts of paranoia where I feel like I'm not good enough for him and that he's going to want to leave me at some point. Insecurity I guess.

That sounds a lot like me.


Well-known member
For me it would be:
1.) My own insecurities, feeling as if I am not good enough, smart enough, or financially secure enough for someone.

It's easily rendered though. Insecurities can be worked on, even checklisted daily. Financially speaking, there is always education, online or on campus, you can always progress outside of what your work situation is. So don't think that you are stuck, you never need to feel that way

2.) Distrust, I would find it difficult to trust that someone would not cheat on me.

This is why it's good to be friends for a bit before dating, you can always try dating, but for what you are describing it probably needs to be someone you can warm to first and find out if they flirt alot etc with others.

3.) Clingy, I have very few friends, and fewer that I actually get to spend time with, someone interested in me would have to put up with my desire to include them in my hobbies, from gaming to recording music.

That is fine. Being clingy is actually pretty normal, most couples are on some level otherwise they wouldn't be in a relationship.

4.) I also have little tolerance for things like smoking and drinking. It would be easy to find a non smoker, but a non drinker is noticeably more difficult, especially so if you dont have an interest in highly religious people, and those people may still drink.

Lots of people are health conscious, especially these days. Just depends on the environment, working in a high stress company, there will probably lots of smokers. Go to a sports event/game or the markets you'll probably get 50/50.


Well-known member
Closed off; always expecting trouble. I'd be less insecure but significantly more high-strung these days. I haven't had a lot of experience, but what I have had doesn't deserve the hype it gets at all.
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Well-known member
i hide how i really am, looking back on relationships ive been confident, calm, probally put too much trust into it, and just had fun in the moment.
but deep down im completely the opposite, im nervous, insecure, confused, a little clingy/needy.

ive never been good at taking control in a relationship if you know what i mean, im more of the submissive type but not completely..i dunno how to explain it to be honest but im sure you get it


Well-known member
shy, closed off (when i really want to be loving and kind), detached sometimes, scared, needy for physical affection, quiet, icy, immature....what else......

i cant stand that i'm a nice person but my anxieties make me feel like a real cold psycho.

i need love and acceptance.


Well-known member
I'm quite needy in the fact that I place all my trust in my partner and no-one else, and don't feel close with anyone else. I don't like being that way though and try not to be so needy, which makes me feel super lonely sometimes!


Well-known member
mostly understanding, don't tolerate bs, or someone trying to take advantage of me. Like my freedom to think and do what I want... Dislike the idea of getting into a relationship and having a dictator-boyfriend, (my sister's in that situation)
I'm funny, make jokes, but serious when I need to be, nice and like winning games... If someone can't handle constantly losing to me then it wouldn't work for me. because i'm naturally good at things so they have to accept that I might be better at them at most things. that's about it, I just like being happy :)