How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Yeah I heard of that. :( I think it's global warming and that everyone needs to take care of the environment like not doing stupid things that pollute the environment and throwing things in the trash where it should be.
I agree that we definitely need to play our part when it comes taking care of the environment.
and not smoking (trying to quit if you can bc it's not healthy either)
I don't smoke, and was never interested in taking up the habit. Even when I was a teenager, and everyone I knew was doing it. But then I've never really been one for doing something just because everyone else is.

I don't really drink alcohol, either. A shocker, I know - me being Scottish n' all. The last time I did was Christmas 2 years ago, when one of my sisters brought a bottle of wine to have at dinner; even then I had a one glass of it.
We're having a heat wave here too but I doubt it's as bad as in Europe. That's why I didn't go out today either. I would've loved to. I feel even if it's very hot tomorrow I will be going out.
I don't know if it's as hot here compared to America. Though, in typical Scottish/British fashion, we're complaining about it. 😆
I'm so sorry to hear you didn't do much but do you usually go out somewhere? Or do you usually stay home and play instruments, watch tv-- your favorite hobbies and help out your mum? I'm just wondering. Plus I like talking to you.
It depends really. I mean, I like to get out the house. Usually, if I've done enough to help my mum out with tidying around the house to where she doesn't have to do as much, I'll phone my sister so she can take me for a car ride around town when she get her lunch break at her job. Other times, say if I'm noodling about on my guitar or digital piano and I've stumbled up a riff or melody idea that's sounding like a potential song, normally I'll just stay home. Especially if it's an idea that I've only just come up with moments before being asked if I want to go, and I haven't done a quick demo so I don't forget it.

And if there's a football (soccer) game on Sky Sports on Saturday, starting at mid-day, depending upon the teams and how well - or not so well - they're playing in the opening 15 minutes, I'm normally quite reluctant to go anywhere. For example, Rangers vs Celtic with Ally McCoist on commentary - forget it! Am going naewhere for the next 2 hours.

That said, I really need to sign up and become a member of my local arts festival, as they do discounts on cinema tickets in my area for members-only. They also do the same during the festival every year... which would be handy. As for the last few years that I've been attending it with my oldest sister, we've only managed get tickets for the shows we wanted to see because my sister knows and works with someone who helps organise of the festival every year. 😆


Well-known member
Oh yeah, you do go to concerts and a drive in the car is nice too. haha. Have fun at the cinema and signing up to become a member of the local arts festival! Doing things you enjoy is great.


Well-known member
Meh. Wish I felt happier considering my two days off were pretty good, but I know I'm just dreading the following work week as the overtime I keep getting scheduled just doesn't quit. I got a lot done here, wish I got even more things done but I'm not kicking myself for it considering the heatwave we're in right now. Heat index was about 96+ degrees today, hotter than yesterday. I spent a majority of it inside of course, and couldn't really bring myself to do too much. I did go out and treat myself though. Checked out a local comic and collectibles store and got a couple graphic novels and a Japanese Pokemon booster box, then stopped at the ice cream shop a couple blocks over and got a milkshake too. I needed to feel like a kid today. ☺️


Well-known member
I will be going out for a 1-2 hr walk tomorrow and also enjoying my food and drink. I will also be reducing one of my medications about when it hits next month. I hope things work out like it did before when I reduced about once every month.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
I found my online friend has been sick and that's why he hasn't replied to me. Due to my insecurities, I thought maybe he was ignoring me and didn't like me anymore but that was not the case. :)
This wouldn't be referring to me by any chance, would it? 😏 😆😄😁

Anyway, I'm still not back to full health – still got an irritating cough. 🤧 But I'm trying to get on with things despite it. So, I'm feeling a lot better than I was a few weeks ago. It wasn't great being pretty bedridden and not getting much sleep for 2 weeks – keeping myself awake much of the night, coughing – when I initially took ill.


Well-known member
I'm done with summer but summer's not done with me. I really want fall now or less hot weather which is sometimes the case. I wonder if I'll be going out on Sunday. I hope I will and that it'll be a great day.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm feeling... unsure, I guess. Doubting myself. Wondering if I'm just a talentless hack; feeling like I'm not a good enough guitarist and/or songwriter to deserve the following I've gained on SoundCloud in last, what'll be now? 5 years...

I still feel most of that was a fluke, and that I'm in way over my head.

That said, I've got 3 options. Those being:
  • Quit?
  • Forge on despite struggling with imposter syndrome? Or...
  • Teach myself all the stuff on guitar that my initial guitar teacher never bother to? Even though I still don't feel "smart enough" to even begin to understand music theory.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I'm feeling... unsure, I guess. Doubting myself. Wondering if I'm just a talentless hack; feeling like I'm not a good enough guitarist and/or songwriter to deserve the following I've gained on SoundCloud in last, what'll be now? 5 years...

I still feel most of that was a fluke, and that I'm in way over my head.

That said, I've got 3 options. Those being:
  • Quit?
  • Forge on despite struggling with imposter syndrome? Or...
  • Teach myself all the stuff on guitar that my initial guitar teacher never bother to? Even though I still don't feel "smart enough" to even begin to understand music theory.
You forgot option four;

Kick imposter syndrome in the nut sack, throw caution to the wind, give your creativity license to go where it wants and... become a legend 🤘👍


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I can't sleep... and need to be up in a few hours time. My mind seem awfy active during the night than the day; thinking about stuff. Mainly, music related.

Like how I need to make a logo that I can use across the various platforms that I'll be uploading my music, but kinda suck when it comes to doing that. Same can be said with regards to the artwork side of things. Kinda makes me wish I knew someone or had a friend who could help out with those, so I could just focus on making music for now. Rather than trying to multitask several things at once...


Well-known member
I can't sleep... and need to be up in a few hours time. My mind seem awfy active during the night than the day; thinking about stuff. Mainly, music related.

Like how I need to make a logo that I can use across the various platforms that I'll be uploading my music, but kinda suck when it comes to doing that. Same can be said with regards to the artwork side of things. Kinda makes me wish I knew someone or had a friend who could help out with those, so I could just focus on making music for now. Rather than trying to multitask several things at once...
I can't sleep either. I slept a long time in the night and day and drank tea and now I'm still awake. You could write me something if you'd like, either send me a PM of the earlier messages or write something new :) it would be nice to hear from you!


Well-known member
I haven't been feeling very well so today I couldn't go to exercise outdoors and therefore I have to quarantine for 5 days. I don't know if it's Covid or just the flu as certain things happened yesterday it's hard to tell.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, and that weren't able to get outdoors to exercise, lily.

I hope you get well soon.


Well-known member
I'm feeling... unsure, I guess. Doubting myself. Wondering if I'm just a talentless hack; feeling like I'm not a good enough guitarist and/or songwriter to deserve the following I've gained on SoundCloud in last, what'll be now? 5 years...

I still feel most of that was a fluke, and that I'm in way over my head.

That said, I've got 3 options. Those being:
  • Quit?
  • Forge on despite struggling with imposter syndrome? Or...
  • Teach myself all the stuff on guitar that my initial guitar teacher never bother to? Even though I still don't feel "smart enough" to even begin to understand music theory.
From what I recall from the last time I listened to your SoundCloud, I'm pretty sure you have talent.

Im by no means an expert and my words may not mean much, but I can speak as a regular person that enjoyed your music. And I'm pretty sure that's the 95% of the people. If they follow you and have a positive reaction, that's all that matters. You create something that is enjoyable, something good.

Enjoy what you have because you deserve it, life rarely gives gifts.

Fluke, my A💲💲

Also, mind sharing the SoundCloud again? 😃